Hi Natanael !
Hi Isaac !

Looks like you misunderstand my approach for the mdev changes ... ok, may be I explained it the wrong way, so lets go one step back and start with a wider view:

IMO Busybox is a set of tools, which allow to setup a working system environment. How this setup is done, is up to the distro / system maintainer, that is it is up their preferences.

I really like the idea to have an optimized version using netlink for the hotplug events and avoid unnecessary forking on each event, but there are other people which dislike that approach and prefer to use the hotplug handler method, or even ignore the hotplug feature completely and setup device nodes only when required (semi automatic, not manual mknod, but manual invoking of mdev).

The world is not uniform, where all people share the same preferences, so we need to be polite to accept those different kinds of preferences and don't try to force someone to setup their system in a specific way.

Right? ... else we would be at the end of discussion and the end of my project approach :(

... but I think you will agree:

As Busybox is the used tool set, it shall provide the tools for all users, and shall not try to force those users to use netlink, etc.

So how can we handle different preferences, but still allow each one to setup there system the way he likes?

We either need different versions of the commands / applets and allow to enable / disable them in the configuration, or we try to find a modular solution, which allows a maximum of code sharing, but still give the flexibility to setup the system up to the user preferences.

The config approach may be the simpler solution, but will add more and more options to the config system, and needs to do all those decisions before you have a working system. So many users neglect to build there own Busybox version (for different reasons) and grab a prebuild binary version (or are forced to stay on a specific version) ... but still all those users will have there own preferences on how to setup their system. The conclusion is, to have a modular tool set, which on default include all functionality and allow to select the desired usage on system setup. Still with the wish to minimize resource usage and a maximum of code sharing between the different functionalities.

Beside having an universal modular tool set, with all functions included, it may still be a good idea to allow disabling unwanted applets / functionalities, for those who are picky and / or low on system resources.

... using this wider view, I tried to find a modular solution for the device system management (here mdev):

Maximum code sharing means to have a look on flow of data and try not to duplicate same functionality into different commands. For the device management I see the following different usage scenarios:

- not using hotplug feature, semiautomatic device node setup
  (currently user calls "mdev -s" when required)

- using the hotplug handler approach of the kernel
  (current operation of "mdev")

- using a netlink based hotplug approach
  (currently not in Busybox, but external tools exit, e.g. nldev)

The current implementation suffers on event bursts, due to massive forking a separate parser for each event. So one of the major design decisions has to be avoiding those unnecessary parallelism. It does not only suffer from resource consumption, the parallelism is contra productive for device event management, due to not serialized operation.

So how can we avoid that unwanted parallelism, but still enable all of the above usage scenarios *and* still have a maximum of code sharing *and* a minimum of memory usage *without* delaying the average event handling too much?

The gathering parts need to acquire the device information, sanitize this information, and serialize the event operations to the right order. The device node handling part shall receive the information from the gathering part(s) (whichever is used) and call the required operations, but shall avoid reparsing the conf on every event (speed up) *and* drop as much memory usage as possible, when the event system is idle.

My idea is a fifo approach. This allows splitting the device management functionalities. Nevertheless which approach to gather the device information is used, the parser and device handling part can be shared (even on a mixed usage scenario).

So we have the following functional blocks for our device management:

- initial setup of the device file system environment
  (yes, can be done by shell scripting, but it is a functional block)

- starting the fifo management and automatic parser invocation
  (long lived minimalistic daemon)

- manual scanning of the sys file system and gathering device info

- setting up the usage of the hotplug helper system
  (check fifo availability and set hotplug helper in kernel)

- an hotplug helper spawned by the kernel on every event
  (should be as small / fast as possible)

- a netlink based event receiptor
  (long lived daemon, small memory foot print)

- the device node handling part
  (conf table parser / calling required operation)

Where the gathering parts may be used according to the user preferences (and may be opted out on BB configuration).

Every gathering part grabs the required information, sanitizes, serializes and then write some kind of command to the fifo. The fifo management (a minimalist daemon) starts a new parser process when there is none running and watches it's operation (failure handling). The parser process reads the conf file on startup, then start to read commands from the fifo (written by a gathering part). For each device command (event) the in memory table (build from the conf) is scanned and required event operations are invoked. The parser process can (has to) exit and free all it's memory usage, when the event system is idle for as some time. The fifo management has to catch this and restart a new parser when more events arrive.

Adding initial setup of the device file system as a functional block to the device management, allows to arrange for having a one-shot device system startup. Consider emergency shell usage, with a minimalist system started in memory (e.g. starting kernel wit /bin/sh as init). Then you need to do some base setup get a usable system, with bringing up the device management of one central part of operation. Then you would most benefit from a one-shot startup. At startup which is *not* hard coded in it's operation, it is just controlled by a configuration file, focusing on description on what is to create and not on how it is created (as in shell scripts). The finally invoked commands for this initialization should be this way nearly the same as most existing shell scripts for system startup doe ... and no one blocks this shell script approach (let out the special setup operation from conf files and even when calling the init function - which can be opted out, it will be a no operation call, not affecting surrounding shell script handling). Adding the initial setup functionality is for those who like the idea of having such a one-shot startup, but otherwise does not affect the device handling management (optional feature under full control of user, no hard coded setup in a binary).

Adding the hotplug helper setup to the list of functional blocks of the device management, is on one hand kind of completeness, and on the other side also part of the one-shot-startup approach (Not every average admin remember the exact names where to put each setting, so just adding a single command or adding an single option to a one-shot command call simplifies usage, at least for the more novice).

Not (yet) included in this description is the module loader functionality (MODALIAS handling). Have not got around to think on the required details, but should be possible doing in a similar approach.

The following questions to this topic:

- are MODALIAS requests send to same netlink socket as device events?

- does the module handling need and / or benefit from synchronization with the device node handling, or is choosing parallelism the better approach?

Later on, I will pick up your messages again to comment on some more specific points, but in general I hope this clarifies the intention of my approach ... was my mistake to start the wrong way from behind the back to the usual beginning (or at least not to allow you to follow my initial thoughts) ... I apologize.


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