On Mon Feb 13, 2023 at 3:24 PM CET, Vladimír Macek (Scripteo) wrote:
> Thanks everyone for important pointers!
> The problem seems to be brought by bash between alpine official container 
> 3.13 and any later versions.

3.13 has the same bash version as 3.16- 3.17 has bash 5.2.

so, i assume it's new in 3.17 only.

> The external command /usr/bin/[ and sh/ash from busybox both work 
> correctly, see:
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ cat /etc/alpine-release
> 3.17.1
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ busybox | head -1
> BusyBox v1.35.0 (2022-11-19 10:13:10 UTC) multi-call binary.
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ echo $BASH_VERSION
> 5.2.15(1)-release
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ [ -r cnb_rate_eur_czk.csv ] && echo READABLE
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ [[ -r cnb_rate_eur_czk.csv ]] && echo 
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ /usr/bin/[ -r cnb_rate_eur_czk.csv ] && 
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ /usr/bin/[[ -r cnb_rate_eur_czk.csv ]] && 
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ ls -la /bin/*sh
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            12 Jan  9 12:46 /bin/ash -> 
> /bin/busybox
> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        789064 Dec 14 02:37 /bin/bash
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            12 Jan  9 12:46 /bin/fdflush -> 
> /bin/busybox
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            12 Jan  9 12:46 /bin/sh -> 
> /bin/busybox
> 5513a6a8232d:/task/output/files$ /bin/sh
> /task/output/files $ set| head -1
> BB_ASH_VERSION='1.35.0'
> /task/output/files $ [ -r cnb_rate_eur_czk.csv ] && echo READABLE
> There was a bash-5.1.16-r0 in alpine:3.13, which was the latest version, 
> where test -r worked correctly for me.
> So sorry for bugging here. I need to find out now what to do next to pursue 
> this.

you can probably open an issue, after checking if someone else hasn't already:
(i assume that's the right place.)

if you get it fixed and a patch merged, i'll happily backport it to 3.17.

> Thanks again,
> Vlada
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