FYI, I went to EPO yesterday (in Webster) and they were closed for
Monty KI5JML

On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 9:02 AM John Mechura via BVARC <>

> Greetings,
> Unfortunately my tube tester is too new to test this tube.  I would
> recommend contacting Chris at EPO, Electronic Parts Outlet, to ask him if
> his tube checker can test this tube; if it is listed on his chart.  He has
> a stand-up tube tester such as would have been at drug stores of my youth.
> The 811 is a triode, utilizing a thoriated tungsten filament as a
> cathode.  As Rick suggests, an ohm meter check of the filament / heater
> should test for continuity.  Then check for shorts between filament, grid
> and plate, there should not be any.  Pins 1 and 4 are the filaments.  Pin 2
> is unused.  Pin 3 is the grid and the plate is on top.  Look and see if the
> plate shows signs of discoloration or overheating.  If the silver getter
> coating inside the glass is silver and not white then the tube is holding a
> vacuum still.
> The specs are here:
> My e-mail is:
> 73
> John, KI5HOC
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 9:42 PM Rick Hiller <>
> wrote:
>> Couldn't you simply just measure pin to pin and compare one tube to the
>> others?   Find the odd guy(s) out that way.   Then, stick them, one by one,
>> in the "tube testers"  from Ameritron, the 811 or 811H.  HI
>> John, HOC, is the tube guy.....he will know....73...RH
>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 9:18 PM Jimmy Vance via BVARC <>
>> wrote:
>>> One of the guys in KARS needs to test a few 811's, does anyone have a
>>> tester capable of testing these?
>>> Thanks
>>> --jv
>>> na5d
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>> --
>> Rick Hiller
>> *e-mail: <>*
>> *Cell:        832-474-3713*
>> *Physical: 9031 Troulon Drive*
>> *               Houston, TX 77036*
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