Thats an interesting thought about what would our SK club for fathers think of 
us now...Some SKs were some expectional members.. exceptional people!!!!  that 
are no longer with us.
a list of the BVARC SKs are available on the website... So many of 
them helped me!!and so many were friends... wow I miss them...
Eddie (NU5K)
    On Wednesday, August 4, 2021, 03:53:23 PM CDT, Richard Bonica via BVARC 
<> wrote:  

Now -- I pose a question to you all   ---   Do you think what YOU are doing is 
what our past Silent Keys wanted??? Because that is what BVARC's Silent Keys 
gave us. A place to help those who can not help themselves, internally and 
73 Richard Bonica (KG5YCU)

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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