If you haven't seen it, here's a very good implemation of combining steel 
fencing polls and a fiberglass in a crank up configuration that would be 
totally invisible if left in the down position during the day.  It's a very 
clear explanation of his design.


>     On 03/30/2022 3:01 PM Jeff Greer via BVARC <> wrote:
>     Hi, BVARC!
>     I'm curious as to what others are doing for masts/towers.  I'm in an HOA 
> ("no antennas") with a tiny little yard.  Nobody has complained so far about 
> my homebrew "DX Commander" style fan vertical, which looks like a 31' jackite 
> pole (because that's pretty much what it is, with some 3d-printed wire 
> spreaders).  I was holding that up w/ a 5' piece of 3/4 copper water pipe 
> driven halfway into the ground.  Worked for several months, but the wind 
> finally bent the pipe.  I have some 5' electrical conduit that looks a little 
> tougher, but I may resort to guying.  The metal inside the bottom of the 
> fiberglass pole, I suspect, interferes with my 10m element, anyway...
>     I'm also wanting to put my Ed Fong DBJ-1 (which looks like a 5' PVC pipe) 
> up with the feedpoint 25-30'.  I picked up a couple of old tires, and I'm 
> thinking of filling one with concrete (think tetherball pole) and mounting a 
> couple of pieces of angle iron in the concrete, so I can drill holes, put 
> some sort of mast between them, and make a "tilt over" base/hinge for the 
> mast.  Has anybody built a self-supporting (non-guyed) 30 foot mast out of, 
> say, some sort of stock from Home Depot/Lowe's?  The internet has lots of 
> stories about using chain link fence top rail (10' sections), but most say 
> that 2 of those (20') is all you join before it gets super wobbly.  Would 
> love to use some sort of square tube - maybe nesting sections - but not sure 
> where to get 10' sections, and not sure aluminum would be strong enough or 
> steel would be light enough...
>     Anyway, that's where I am.  I thought I'd float this out there to benefit 
> from the experience of those who have been there and done that.  Hope y'all 
> can help me come up with something that will work while avoiding poor choices 
> that could cause damage or hurt somebody.
>     Thanks!
>     -Jeff, W5JEF
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