Hello fellow BVARC members,

I will be heading up to Ohio as a Youth On The Air camper (
https://youthontheair.org/cincinnati-2022/) tomorrow and will be there
Sunday-Friday. I am the first attendee from Texas, to my knowledge. We will
be working HF stations, satellites, and operating EME during that time. I
don't think we have specific bands or frequencies that I know of as of now.

I have attached a flyer outlining when we'll be operating; we also may be
operating in the mornings (6:00-7:00 AM CDT) and evenings (9:30-10:30 PM
CDT). *We will be working the special event callsign W8Y
<https://www.qrz.com/db/W8Y>. *(I think QSL cards are available).

ALSO, the camp is livestreaming its opening and closing ceremonies as well
as releasing daily recap videos. *You can check out the channel here

Email me if you end up making contact with someone from camp! I would love
to hear some familiar voices from home but I may not be the one operating
when you call.

Hope to hear you on the air!

Attachment: 2022_Youth_on_the_Air_Camp_On_Air_and_Online.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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