Way to go Charlotte! That's really awesome to get to attend YOTA! 

I checked out the QRZ page and it looks like the satellite operations will be 
on June 16th and 17th, primarily on the FM satellites (yikes!). I'm going to 
try to jump on some of the passes around those dates and times to see if I can 
spot anyone from the special event. 

YOTA has a twitter feed, so hopefully they will post which birds and passes 
they are going to try for (posting this info makes it MUCH easier to find 
folks). Actually, I highly encourage any ham that's comfortable with social 
media to sign up for a twitter account under their call sign. Makes for great 
use with POTA, SOTA, band openings, etc.

I'm trying to get my son Kyle, KG5YPD (and new sophmore at Texas A&M) 
interested in the event for next year. Might encourage him to get on the air 

  Ben Cook

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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