I couldn't have said it better.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. None of the club events are
mandatory. If you don't want to attend, don't go.
If you feel left out because of an event, start one you think others
might be interested in.
Mike Knerr KI5UBL  73

On Tue, Oct 10, 2023, 9:28 AM Fox Danger Piacenti via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org>

> Hi, all.
> I'm a fairly new member of this club, having joined only a month or two
> ago. I went to last month's Brew's with BVARC event as my first intro event
> to the club. Seemed like a fun way to get to know some folks and have a
> good time.
> And it was exactly that. I loved getting to hang with club members and the
> offerings at the bar. I'm a bit confused from some of the correspondence
> here. Has anything actually happened that was a problem at these events or
> is this a lot of speculation about issues that *could* happen? I don't much
> patience for the latter. If it's the former, it's fair to discuss how to
> address the issue. If something happened that evening, it must have
> happened while I wasn't looking or after I left.
> I expect club members to be adults. I expect people to make their own
> decisions. I also am quite aware that sometimes people have difficulties
> with addiction and specific substances.
> We're a very large club. That leaves room for diversity of events. It also
> means we're more likely to have some members who aren't a good fit for
> events. But if we actually come across a member we discover is behaving
> irresponsibly at these get-togethers, I do expect those running them to
> intervene. Worrying about whose legal responsibility it is comes as a
> secondary concern (though still a concern!): I expect the event runners to
> address behavior problems and let people who can't behave themselves know
> they aren't allowed back.
> I'm telling everyone here as a new club member I found the event fun, I
> saw no irresponsible behavior and I had a great time meeting people and
> putting some faces to callsigns. I suggest anyone who doesn't like events
> at bars not come, and if they have particular concern about a members
> welfare if they were to attend, to let the event runner know about it. From
> there, we can judge actions.
> If anyone had a specific incident at the event that they felt was handled
> poorly and not addressed, I think that's important to bring up here.
> Otherwise I'd suggest people live and let live.
> Best,
> -Fox, KW6FOX
> On 10/10/23 08:59, Eddie Runner via BVARC wrote:
> oh i read your email. but i wanted my thoughts to go to the club. not just
> you.
> i usually try to get the membership involved. at least thier brains
> thinking about some of the fun stuff that goes on behind the scenes.
> we need a big turnout for the november club elections!   we rarely have
> more than one person running for office.  should be fun.
> as far as Brews with bvarc.  months ago i was one of the only ones to
> speak up with my feelings on the subject.
> now that others are thinking about it and sharing their thoughts you cant
> say they are causing problems.  they are club members and they are allowed
> (encouraged) to share opinions.
> if members sharing their views are considered problems then we should be
> very carefull who we vote for.
> Eddie NU5K
> Sent from my iphone
> On Oct 10, 2023, at 8:10 AM, anthony moro <w5li...@gmail.com>
> <w5li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As you say to me all the time ( you did not read all of my email). I said
> at the end of my last response that if you had any more
> questions or comments email me directly. I am not going to answer or say
> anything bad about the board on the reflector. As stated in my last
> response you can email me about the reason I left the board. I just
> want the club to enjoy the event and don't want club members to be
> causing problems about an event that both Kori and Mike put together.It's
> interesting that the problem goes away a few months, and a month later it's
> right back with more people causing problems. It's like somehow they were
> told about only the bad not any of the good. For a while there were no
> problems and now the past few months there is a problem with the event. I
> mentioned the club president (Mike), because he talked to Kori about the
> event and said, (go with it). So I don't understand how now he or other
> club members have a problem with the event.
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 6:13 AM Eddie Runner <eddie.run...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
>> MY post isnt political and has nothing to do with elections,
>> my concern was the appearance of the website...
>> I wasnt mudslinging, I didnt even mention anyones name..
>> I didnt see anyone mentioning names till you mentioned Mikes....
>> You (Anthony) mentioned our president about 3 times..  (that is mud
>> slinging)
>> Why did you drop from the board when there is only a couple of months left
>> on your board of directors term...   Your my buddy, I would do anything
>> for you
>> but I am calling you a cry baby.. probably related to Kori running
>> against Mike.
>> I guess  your buddy Kori is running against Mike for president this term..
>> Mike has been a pretty damn good president for a very long time, he has
>> always been there for our club when no one else has been..  When no one
>> else
>> will, Mikey is always there..  Club is huge, money in the bank, food at
>> meetings,
>> amazing hamfest,  thank you Mike !!!!
>> Time for a change?  Sure, Maybe!
>> Kori is very energetic and very popular in the club..   He is a pretty
>> smart guy.
>> and would likely make a good president ..  Will he be willing to put as
>> much into
>> BVARC as Mike does..??
>> Time will tell.
>> Eddie (NU5K)
>> it is our club, speak your mind..
>> On Monday, October 9, 2023 at 08:17:45 PM CDT, anthony moro <
>> w5li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have been thinking all day about this. I think this is a way of
>> throwing mud during the elections. This is not fair to either side. So
>> everyone knows I have left the board for this very sort of stuff. I think
>> this club needs to stop being divided and think about what's best for the
>> club. Acting like this about an event the club president allowed to happen
>> is not what's best for the club. I think that we need to leave the name of
>> the event alone and stop acting like everybody in the club doesn't drink at
>> all. I say this and also tell y'all about my past. I was given probation
>> for my third DWI. While on probation I found a great hobby, and all of yall
>> have been great friends to me. I know that at least one person in the club
>> has a few beers after work. There is nothing wrong with that. So saying
>> that, we should leave this topic alone and think and look to the future of
>> this club. If you feel the same way I feel then think real hard about what
>> is really going on in the club and see how we as a club can pull together
>> and put an end to this click kind of behavior. We should work together, not
>> against each other. Just like some of yall dont get up for the 6:30am
>> breakfast or leave work to go to the Lunch Bunch do the same with this
>> event. If you don't have the time and would like to be with the family
>> instead then don't go and keep your comments about an event the club
>> president allowed to yourself. I am appalled with the behavior of some
>> people that chose to act this way. I know yall are better than this. Now
>> let's get back to having fun in this hobby as one of the largest clubs in
>> texas, and show people what being a great HAM is about. If you have any
>> questions or comments about what I said in this email, please email me
>> directly. I am willing to talk to yall about how I feel about how the club
>> members are acting about an event that has been going on for almost a year
>> now. Also remember the club president allowed this event after talking to
>> Kori the vice president before he became vice president.
>> I am sorry if this sounded like I am venting. But I am just tired of all
>> the mud slinging in the club.
>> On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 1:22 PM Eddie Runner via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org>
>> wrote:
>> You guys are finally paying attention!!
>> I enjoyed  the BwBvarc the couple of times I went (fellowship), even
>> though
>> I am not a drinker...
>> I complained when we started advertising it on the website as a BVARC
>> sanctioned event...
>> Being that we have always tried to put forward a welcoming face and tried
>> to attract young
>> folks and even children and parents to our club...
>> No one paid any attention to me back then.
>> PLUS, I am sure some of our members have or have had problems with
>> booze....
>> Some have had DUIs, some are recovering...!
>> Some of you know my son,
>> he has been a ham (since 10 years old) and is now 43yrs.. He has been an
>> addict
>> for many years..  Although I like to share with him ham radio things,
>> like the hamfest  and so on.
>> I would be afraid to even mention BwBVARC to him.
>> I didn't go, but someone mentioned to me that the LAST BwBVARC had CBD
>> beers
>> which were noted with warnings that they could affect the outcome of a
>> drug test.
>> Glad you guys are finally paying attention!!
>> Eddie Runner (NU5K)
>> On Monday, October 9, 2023 at 01:06:47 PM CDT, JP Pritchard via BVARC <
>> bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:
>> Even if the club turns out to be protected from legal liability, I'm not
>> sure we want our club name to be associated with a possible DUI traffic
>> tragedy. Just a thought.
>> JP, K5JPP
>> On 10/09/2023 12:48 PM CDT Rick Hiller via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org>
>> wrote:
>> The promoted title “Brews with BVARC” leans toward making it a de facto,
>> sanctioned event, and this doesn't sit well with some folks.
>> By W5RH.
>> Sent from my i-Thingamajig
>> On Oct 9, 2023, at 11:48 AM, N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer via BVARC <
>> bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:
>> Philippe,
>> Thank you I had no idea this was a concern for some. A few years back I
>> was required to be certified with TABC for the The Katy Rice Harvest
>> Festival. I am a Past Grand Knight and former District Deputy of the
>> Knights of Columbus and our council 6950 served beer for the Rice Harvest
>> Festival. Because our council was engaged in serving alcohol we had the
>> responsibility to not serve patrons past the legal limit and were trained
>> how to spot when someone was intoxicated. That being said, the Brews with
>> BVARC event, although a gathering of members at an establishment that
>> serves alcohol, is in no way the same as our club serving alcohol
>> to members or the general public. I believe the club having a Brews with
>> BVARC event in many ways is no different than any of the other membership
>> gatherings; afterall it is about comradery. I have not read the clubs
>> bylaws but if there was something governing this sort of gathering it would
>> be found in the bylaws.
>> 73 de
>> N5LNK - Sean
>> On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 11:10 AM K5BOU via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:
>> In the past few weeks, I heard some members talk about the legal aspect
>> of having events at the bar/brewery serving alcohol under the BVARC
>> umbrella. Because of the nature of my job, working in the restaurant/Hotel
>> industry, I have some contacts at TABC and ask who will be responsible if
>> some members get intoxicated during a club event at the restaurant or bar.
>> TABC clarifies that The restaurant/bar with TABC licenses that sells and
>> serves alcohol to an intoxicated patron is responsible.
>> I hope this helps.
>> I hope you have a great week.
>> K5BOU-PhilippeBoucaumont
>> Houston*|*Texas*|*USA*|*
>> https://mccrarymeadowsweather.com/
>> [image: A logo of a radio company Description automatically generated][image:
>> A yellow and black logo Description automatically generated][image: A
>> logo of a network Description automatically generated]
>>                                           #77940
>> *From:* BVARC <bvarc-boun...@bvarc.org> *On Behalf Of *Kori Rahman via
>> *Sent:* Monday, October 9, 2023 12:58 AM
>> *To:* BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB <bvarc@bvarc.org>
>> *Cc:* Kori Rahman <kori...@gmail.com>
>> *Subject:* [BVARC] Brews with BVARC this Tuesday!
>> Hello everyone!
>> This is another reminder of our Brews with BVARC event coming up this
>> Tuesday October 10th at 6:30pm. We will be at Holler Brewing Company in
>>  Houston. Please come out if you can. There's always great conversation
>> and camaraderie out at these events, and we hope you can join us this time
>> around. Give us a call on *146.520 MHz FM Simplex* if you need
>> directions when nearby or if you have trouble finding our table.
>> Please check out their website (Hollerbeer.com <https://hollerbeer.com/>) to
>> see their selection of beers and for information about their brewery. They
>> promise to have "pop-up chefs" on-site every day so there should be an
>> opportunity to grab some delicious food as well. As always, arrive when
>> you can, be safe, be responsible, and let's have fun!
>> *October Brews with BVARC: When:*
>> Tuesday October 10th at 6:30pm
>> *Where:*
>> Holler Brewing Co.
>> 2206 Edwards St. Suite A
>> Houston, TX 77007
>> Hope to see you there! Thanks and 73!
>> *Kori Rahman, WX5KR **Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club*
>> *Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee*
>> Cell: (770) 298 8516
>> kori...@gmail.com
>> ________________________________________________
>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>> BVARC mailing list
>> BVARC@bvarc.org
>> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
>> Publicly available archives are available here:
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
>> ________________________________________________
>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>> BVARC mailing list
>> BVARC@bvarc.org
>> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
>> Publicly available archives are available here:
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
>> ________________________________________________
>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>> BVARC mailing list
>> BVARC@bvarc.org
>> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
>> Publicly available archives are available here:
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
>> ________________________________________________
>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>> BVARC mailing list
>> BVARC@bvarc.org
>> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
>> Publicly available archives are available here:
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
>> ________________________________________________
>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>> BVARC mailing list
>> BVARC@bvarc.org
>> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
>> Publicly available archives are available here:
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
>> --
>> *Anthony Morones*
>> *         W5LIC*
>> *w5li...@gmail.com <w5li...@gmail.com>*
>> *    713-410-3948*
> --
> *Anthony Morones*
> *         W5LIC*
> *w5li...@gmail.com <w5li...@gmail.com>*
> *    713-410-3948*
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing 
> listBVARC@bvarc.orghttp://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> Publicly available archives are available here: 
> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing list
> BVARC@bvarc.org
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> Publicly available archives are available here:
> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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