On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Chris Ross wrote:
 Yeah, I knew about that method.  I was just wondering if there
was a way to make dmail (from procmailrc, for example) know to
instantiate new mail folders as mbx instead of mbox.

dmail is built as part of the IMAP toolkit, so its behavior will be affected by the change to CREATEPROTO.

It seems not
unreasonable to have command-line args for tmail/dmail (other than
-I) that could specify format.  But, what to do in the case that
it doesn't match existing format might be an issue.

It's messier than that; there are some security issues as well. The -I flag in tmail could be abused for some truly nasty purposes if it was allowed for non-privileged calls.

Okay. How would you recommend creating this empty mbx mailbox?

"mailutil create #driver.mbx/foo" will create an empty file named foo which you can then copy to "INBOX" in the home directory of all the users you want to convert to mbx.

By the way, you do know that you can't use mbx format with NFS, don't you?

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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