Hi Matt,

So you'd like to start/stop Resin manually instead of using the
<resin2x>/<resin2x> nested element of the <cactus> task?

If so, you can use the following as a template:
ipts/share/build-tests-resin2x.xml?rev=1.6&view=auto (it's for Resin
2.x). FYI, that's the old scripts we were using before we migrated to
the <cactus> task.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 February 2004 17:34
> To: Cactus Users List
> Subject: Starting/Stopping Resin with Ant
> Is it possible to re-write the following two targets to start/stop
> Resin instead of Tomcat?
>      <!--
> ===================================================================
>      <!--            Start Tomcat
>       -->
>      <!--
> ===================================================================
>      <target name="start.tomcat"
>          description="starts tomcat in the current console window">
>          <java classname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"
> fork="yes">
>              <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.home=${tomcat.home}"/>
>              <arg value="start"/>
>              <classpath>
>                  <pathelement path="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
>                  <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}">
>                      <include name="bin/bootstrap.jar"/>
>                  </fileset>
>              </classpath>
>          </java>
>      </target>
>      <!--
> ===================================================================
>      <!--            Stop Tomcat
>       -->
>      <!--
> ===================================================================
>      <target name="stop.tomcat" description="stops tomcat">
>          <java classname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"
> fork="yes">
>              <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.home=${tomcat.home}"/>
>              <arg value="stop"/>
>              <classpath>
>                  <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}">
>                      <include name="bin/bootstrap.jar"/>
>                  </fileset>
>              </classpath>
>          </java>
>      </target>
> Thanks,
> Matt
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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