> including the following in my layout file:
> <?php print $html->charsetTag('UTF-8') ?>
> <?php print $javascript->link('prototype') ?>
> <?php print $javascript->link('scriptaculous.js?load=effects') ?>

hmm, that looks ok, I have:

    if (isset($javascript)):
       echo $javascript->link('scriptaculous1.6.1/lib/prototype.js');
       echo $javascript->link('scriptaculous1.6.1/src/scriptaculous.js');

> But I am getting an error saying "No class found for the model J".

where are you seeing the "No class found for the model J"? is it a
cake error (ie, a Cake Model error) or is it a prototype error.

> I created my own layout file "medals.thtml" which is accesed by using:
> " var $layout = 'Medals';"
>  in the controller file.  Additionally, the controller has the
> following helpers specified:
> "var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript', 'Ajax');"

Again that looks ok,

// in my controller
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Time', 'Javascript', 'Ajax');

do you have the Firebug extension installed in FireFox, if so, what
does that offer any clues?


jon bennett
t: +44 (0) 1225 341 039 w: http://www.jben.net/
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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