I posted a similar problem last week, but I was really busy and
couldn't attend to the answer.  I have some more information now and I
am reposting my issue.

I am trying to display images in my view in my cakephp app.  I am
using the image helper to display the images.  When the page loads the
images do not, and when I check the source in firebug the image tags
are greyed out.  I have tried this in may browsers, and I have tried
changing the image path to many different possibilities, but nothing.

I have gotten some input on the issue and a lot of people seem to
think its an htaccess error.  Every part of my site  other than these
images is working, the urls are nice and tidy and I have had no
problems with routing as far as I can tell.

When I try to view and indiviual image via the following links

I get a missing Img Controller error, or a 403 error.

I have tried added rewritebase to my htaccess files, but I have
noticed no change.

Any help on this issue would be awesome.


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