Thanks, Mark!

So what would best practice be if trying to utilize off-site authentication 
along with Cake's access control?

I'm trying to build all Saml functionality into a plugin so that I can 
utilize it in my other applications, so while I'm still not sure what the 
best method is, I'm thinking perhaps:

   - If a page requires authentication, AuthComponent seems to send them to 
   my /users/login function, so based on that:
   - /users/login uses my CakeSaml plugin's SamlAuth component to initiate 
   SAML login (and redirect the user to the identity provider), as well as 
   passes a ReturnURL for the user to return to
   - User authenticates and returns to the ReturnURL (somewhere in a 
   controller within my plugin)
   - Plugin controller calls $this->Auth->login(), providing the user record 
   returned from the identity provider
   - AuthComponent will call my SimpleSamlAuthenticate module's 
   authenticate() method which will verify that the user record in the session 
   is valid and either return the record, or false if it is invalid.

Is that a decent flow for such a login procedure, or am I overlooking 

I'm unfortunately fairly new to CakePHP's AuthComponent--in the past it 
didn't allow me to do what I needed for some of my sites, so I never ended 
up using it for *any* of my sites. With the changes in 2.0, however, I think 
that it just might be able to do everything I need, thanks to its 

Anyway, thanks again! I'm loving working in CakePHP 2.0 beta so far!

Ben McClure

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