You should probably just reset the captcha element then. If you're 
reloading the entire /users/add view which of course will kill the data, 
seeing as your JS request is just a GET and not a POST.

Try something like this:
<!-- captcha --> 
<div id="captchaID">   
                        <?php echo $this->Html->image($this->Html- 
>url(array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'captcha'), 
                                true), array('style'=>'','vspace'=>2)); ?> 
                <?php echo $this->Js->link('Can not read this code? 
Reload.', *array('action' => 'captcha')*, 
array('update'=>'*#captchaID*')); ?> 
                <?php echo $this->Form->input('code'); ?> 
        <!-- end of captcha -->

This should make a request to /users/captcha and update the captcha div, 
leaving everything else untouched. Also make sure to pass a proper CSS 
selector to 'update'.

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