On 21/06/12 14:44, André Luis wrote:
It´s not the cause of being appropriate or not, but i would like to
use plugins folder ONLY for really PLUGINS, wich i dont change
anything, just use... Modular will work ONLY for that application.
You should not be changing any plugin code anyway. That's why they are plugins...
You update them straight from github when you need to. If you want to modify
the behaviour of a plugin model for example then you can extend it in your own model and override the functions you need to change. You should not be copying the plugin into your application and modifying it which is, I think, what you are suggesting ?

The reason for modular programming is:
imagine you have /products/categories wich uses Category model, and
you have also /blog/categories wich would use also a Category model
that you need to give it another name, or create plugins to separate
models/controllers and views with same name but different objectives.
In this situation, I would either create my own model in app/Model and extend the Plugin/blog/Model/Category model to give it a new table, or I would modify the plugins
database configuration and give it a blog_ prefix to use on it's tables.
I hope soon Cake have this feature wich some other frameworks already
have, but even i prefer much more cake.
Which frameworks encourage you to install and modify module/plugin code ?
A list would be nice so we can know to avoid them :)

Steve (Ratty)

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