Article got approved already.

About your way to handle it: it makes sense, having sort of a versioning
control. Pretty cool.



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-----Mensaje original-----
De: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre
de Claudio Poli
Enviado el: Sábado, 16 de Diciembre de 2006 05:20 a.m.
Asunto: Re: Keeping unbindModel out of your controllers

interesting enough, I'm facing the same problem in my app.
I'm finishing a project where an user can submit an article, this  
article can have a state, like approved, rejected, deleted, draft, on  
I've drawed a workflow, after much pulling my hair out, I ended up  
with this solution: when an user submit a new revision, admins gets  
an email and the edit automatically gets approved.
this because if a user modify, is correct that the previous version  
is still online, and when admin approves the new, it flips on the old  
this require an intense database work, since we need to take care  
even of the tags (habtm).
so I ended up with this solution to keep an online version, that a  
user can modify from two months after the creation date.
bakery instead, I believe, will change the state of the article upon  
a revision, but if admins don't/won't approve the new version, the  
article isn't published anymore until a new revision.
my solution require confidence with users that will submit an article  
of course, but for the sake of simplicity to me is the best choice  
for now, until I will implement a versioning system.

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