CakePHP is anything but dead.

Here's the keynote from CakeFest this year with some stats:

You can also listen to it here, on a podcast episode we recorded after the 

Like Jose said, learning is good, but you can count on CakePHP staying 
strong for a very long time, with 3.0 being a significant and strong move 
in the right direction.

I would also suggest targeting more active support bases, like the IRC 
channel and Stack Overflow, as Jose also suggested.

On Monday, November 10, 2014 10:28:38 AM UTC+1, Lucky1968 wrote:
> I posted a few questions lately but I don't get any answers at all here. 
> Only 1 reply (and that wasn't even an answer to my problem) to 5 questions 
> or so.
> Therefor I'm asking myself if the group of CakePHP developers is bleeding 
> to death and if that's so, why?
> Or is there a more intensively used group somewhere?
> Are we waiting too long for the new CakePHP 3 version?
> And, like I'm reading at several places, is there a much better and more 
> advanced alternative (Laravel) which is even more advanced than our 
> upcoming CakePHP 3 will be?
> I'm a CakePHP enthusiast for many years now but I'm not an 'expert' 
> programmer and when I started With CakePHP back then (1.3.x) there was a 
> large community and questions were answered very quickly but that seems to 
> have stopped for a while right now.
> And I can also see that in this group a while ago we got like 10 updates a 
> day while now we only have around 3 updates a day.
> I don't want to change to an alternative framework at all but as I have 
> read some comments on the upcoming CakePHP 3 and the fact that I like my 
> code to be as much 'Cake' as possible it will require a (for me) rather 
> steep learning curve and reading 'The Book' from scratch to take advantage 
> of all new techniques.
> With this in mind I'm doubting if it wouldn't be more appropriate to start 
> learning an alternative (more advanced?) framework right away?
> Thanks in advance for your comments

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