Dave, you probably did not read the documentation. That would be the on;y 
explanation to say that it is not possible to get a simple find first in 
3.0: Here is an example, and please not that there is absolutely no need to 
create any class for this example except a single controller named Articles:

$article = $this->Articles->get(12); // Equivalent to 2.x 
$this->Article->find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => 12)));

$articles = $this->Articles->find()->contain('Authors'); // Equivalent to 
2.x $this->Article->find('all', array('contain' => 'Author'));

In general all finds can be a find 'first' or a find 'all':
$this->Articles->find()->contain('Authors')->first(); // Equivalent to 
2.x $this->Article->find('first', array('contain' => 'Author'));

How can that be considered more difficult to use?

On Friday, November 14, 2014 12:04:58 PM UTC+1, Dave Edwards wrote:
> On Monday, 10 November 2014 09:28:38 UTC, Lucky1968 wrote:
>> I posted a few questions lately but I don't get any answers at all here. 
>> Only 1 reply (and that wasn't even an answer to my problem) to 5 questions 
>> or so.
>> Therefor I'm asking myself if the group of CakePHP developers is bleeding 
>> to death and if that's so, why?
>> Or is there a more intensively used group somewhere?
>> Are we waiting too long for the new CakePHP 3 version?
>> And, like I'm reading at several places, is there a much better and more 
>> advanced alternative (Laravel) which is even more advanced than our 
>> upcoming CakePHP 3 will be?
>> I'm a CakePHP enthusiast for many years now but I'm not an 'expert' 
>> programmer and when I started With CakePHP back then (1.3.x) there was a 
>> large community and questions were answered very quickly but that seems to 
>> have stopped for a while right now.
>> And I can also see that in this group a while ago we got like 10 updates 
>> a day while now we only have around 3 updates a day.
>> I don't want to change to an alternative framework at all but as I have 
>> read some comments on the upcoming CakePHP 3 and the fact that I like my 
>> code to be as much 'Cake' as possible it will require a (for me) rather 
>> steep learning curve and reading 'The Book' from scratch to take advantage 
>> of all new techniques.
>> With this in mind I'm doubting if it wouldn't be more appropriate to 
>> start learning an alternative (more advanced?) framework right away?
>> Thanks in advance for your comments
> Hi Lucky,
> You sound very much like me, a very strong CakePHP enthusiast, but not an 
> expert programmer. I too started with CakePHP 1.xx and have progressed to 
> 2.xx. I have produced some pretty impressive sites and applications, and 
> love the simplicity of the framework.
> I recently dipped my toe in the water with 3.xx and have found that the 
> new ORM will make me decide whether to stay with the Framework or look 
> elsewhere, in fact I recently installed Laravel to have a look.
> Whilst the new ORM is undoubtedly more powerful and flexible, it does come 
> at a huge cost in usability. Gone are the days where you can simply use 
> $this->loadModel('Model') anywhere in a controller and then create a simple 
> find first or find all, adding conditions, fields and associated tables 
> where necessary with 'contain'. Now it seems that the Model object is split 
> into multiple parts, so you have to decide whether you want to deal with 
> tables, rows etc. You have to load this object, get an instance of the 
> class, sometimes you use find, sometimes get etc. Then you have to loop 
> through results etc etc. all to get the same result.
> My own personal opinion is that overall this is a backward step, as all 
> this was previously was hidden from the user. Usually evolution of a 
> product usually simplifies it, and for many users the complexity has 
> increased ten fold with no obvious benefit other than perhaps reduced db 
> calls and response times, which lets face it, unless you are creating a 
> Facebook type of application, the server will handle adequately.
> What I would really like to see is some sort of simplified Model object 
> layer which will cater for 80% of applications that do not require this new 
> method of working.
> It will also not be long before the Manual refers to ORM instead of Model 
> (enter version 3.xx RC1 stage left), so that's going to confuse new users 
> even more looking for the M in  MVC and finding ORM prominently displayed 
> in its place instead.
> Let us know what direction you end up going in.
> Dave

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