1. Create a button that will appear on all pages in the application at
a particular location using CSS, and that does as follows.

If you want your button to appear on all pages at the same place, then
the easiest is to put the button as part of your layout. Your default
layout goes in app/views/layout/default.thtml -- see this part of the
manual to lear more about views and about layouts :

Once you've done this successfully, you might want to reconsider
refactoring your button into an element -- but get it all running first

2. Read 2 fields CHOICE and FIND.
   a. The top one, CHOICE, is a drop-down list with the same 16 choices
each time.
Function ddlits() returns the list of 16 literal values that are
   b. The bottom one FIND is a text field with no default, so it is
blank initially.

3. By special rules used only here, we translate (2) into a list of
(Query#,SQL Query) pairs.
Function qrz($choice,$find) = list of ($qnm,$sqry) pairs of Query# and

4. Execute (3) and accumulate the results into []=(Query#,Tuple).  That
is, we have a function runsql($sqry) = list of tuples returned by query

5. Translate (Query#,Tuple) => (Display,URL) by function
qtdis($qnm,$tuple)=($display,$url) to create a list of links to

6. Display the (Display,URL) pairs as links.

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve - is this some sort of
search functionality ? Have a look at this thread :

it might help !

Can someone tell me how to implement this in CakePHP?  Please be
explicit: I have to write what and store it where and do what to get
the button to appear on the existing pages?

Great place to start is the manual ! http://manual.cakephp.org/ Try and
implement the 'blog' example - you will have a better understanding as
to what goes where after that.


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