Am Mon, 29 Jan 2007 19:43:24 +0100 schrieb Chris Hartjes  

> On 1/29/07, Kaste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> f49/f5d5b809770cff3b
>> >
>> > It seems that view caching is only useful when there is no requirement
>> > for dynamic sections of content in a page.  Is this really the case?
> Um, well, isn't caching the storing of previously-produced output?
> Would you agree that caching of dynamic content is, well, not really
> caching? ;)
then every page that has a small <username><logout> in the header  
=(all_pages)= couldnt be cached right now.

that seems absurd.

> I think the best strategy is to do your own caching and cache what
> doesn't have to change very often.  Not sure what tools are available
> in CakePHP to let you do that.  Does anyone know if you can cache
> elements?  That might be the best way to mix dynamic with cached
> content.
this might work, but, again, cake would access/render/insert 10  
elements/files just because of the usual logged-in-user-area. #

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