I feel like an idiot for asking since there are so many posts in this
group on Ajax->link questions but, I have already wasted 2 hours
trying to find the answer.

I was following a small tutorial to get Ajax working (the one with the
stars =D ) and it didn't work.  So, I tried to do a little test and
this is my real problem,

I can use $ajax->link and get a link to show up.  Viewing the source,
you can see the javascript being inserted after the link for an ajax
call.  The problem is, when I click on the link, nothing happens.
Using FF2 or IE7.  I get no errors whatsoever (using Firebug).
Firebug tells me that no XMLHTTPRequests were made at all.

This leads me to believe that there is an error in my coding somewhere
but, looking at the cake manual and other references, it seems that my
code is correct.

Maybe another pair of eyes can spot something that I am missing.

Keep in mind that this is supposed to be a simple test for me to get
the feel of how Ajax works with cakephp.
I want to display http://localhost/user/ and get an Ajax link called
Log In.  When I click Log In, it will call http://localhost/user/login/
and I was expecting the result (<p>Hi!</p>) to update into my test div
When I click login, it does nothing, no errors, no request calls,
nothing.  See the (**) notes after each piece of code.

I am at a loss here.  Sorry for the long post, I am trying to be

The info:
CakePHP :: 1.3.1
Prototype :: 1.5.1_rc2
Scriptaculous :: 1.7.1_beta1
Firefox :: 2.0
Internet Explorer :: 7.0
PHP :: 5
Apache :: 2

Here is the ajax code I have:

// /app/plugins/user/view/user/index.thtml

<div id="mainContent">
<h1>Welcome to the user plug-in</h1>
<hr />
    echo $ajax->div('testola');
    echo $ajax->divEnd('testola');
    $ajaxLoginOptions = array('update' => 'test');
    echo $ajax->link('Log In', '/user/login/', array('update' =>
'testola', 'url' => 'login/'), null, false);
**I have tried this with the ajax->div and without just using a hard
div tag.  I have also tried passing a variable with and without the
url array key/value.  None work

// /app/plugins/user/user_app_controller.php

class UserAppController extends AppController {
    public $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript', 'Ajax');
**I have included the Javascript and Ajax helpers.  I have no problems
loading js files from default.thtml

// /app/plugins/user/controllers/user_controller.php

class UserController extends UserAppController {

    function index()


    function register()


    function login()
        $this->render('login', 'ajax');

    function logout()

** Under function login, I have commented this out and left it in to
test, neither work

// /app/plugins/user/views/login.thtml

**This is what I want to update my div with

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