I've been helping debugging on ocean CMS. I created my own project on 
cakeforge when I started with cake.
Even if it was flawed by design (recursive requestActions ...) it helped 
me get my job by demonstrating it.
At that time I received  zero feedback from the community, positive or 
negative. Not even a "can't get it to work".
I would just appreciate to participate to a project addressing some very 
common needs, not a feature bloat competition.
But there is no project "common enough" to participate to.

Samuel DeVore wrote:
> I think a Killer app is a good idea, but it has to be something new
> done better then anyone could picture, simple elegant and have it
> work.  Trying to come out the door with yet another CMS is, in my mind
>  (and it is a simple old mind remember), is dumb.  To try compete with
> all the other CMS's out there is a fools errand.  You would be
> obligated to make it have features to match all the cms's out there
> (now I am not saying that a good killer cms would have to have all
> that crap) but people come to the table with a certain expectation.
> The cakeforge is littered with half assed attempts to make the killer
> cms, why start another, you really want to make a difference in the
> CMS world, get all those people who started all those projects and DO
> something.
> The hardest part of a killer app is not building it, it's thinking of
> it.  37 Signals succeeded because their ideas and the way they
> executed them were killer (and timely) not because they tried to do
> something every one and their brother have tried.
> You need a fresh idea not a re-hash of an old one.
> I mean this in a helpful, yet cranky way.  If you think of a killer
> idea and want help, scream in this deaf old man's ears and I will
> probably help.
> Sam D  (my 4 cents because I need the money)
> >

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