Ok, from reading through the emails I get the consensus that most of
you are not against the idea of a community built project, but more
the label of it being a CMS.

Maybe another way to put it is for a community team to work together
on a library of code that provide different pre-baked functionality,
and that can easily be plugged into any existing app, or combined
together to make a fully functioning application.

These could be things from a consistent user system, post and pages, a
nested menu system to web-based email, tasks & other groupware
components, and components that tie in with 3rd party functionality
such as google services, flickr, etc.

Each module in this library would have to go through a consistent
coding and documentation routine before being considered "official",
and could be provided as part of future releases of CakePHP - offering
"lite" version with just the CakePHP framework, or an Application
version that includes the framework + the library.  These would then
be upgraded as and when needed during framework changes.

The problem with the Bakery and Cakeforge, is as much as they are
useful - there is absolutely no consistency in the tutorials and
articles.  Isn't CakePHP all about conventions?  If it's a team
effort, this library could easily keep up with the fast pace.


On 3/29/07, nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry but I do not share your elitist vision. Cakephp is making its best
> > to reach new markets and to be used by the masses.
> > Also I am rather considering the question of easing the processes in a
> > team work, where we have various peoples with various skills.
> Egalitarianism for it's own sake is lame and misguided: if you're
> sitting in a classroom, you don't want to be sitting next to people
> who aren't just as interested in learning as you are, because it
> diminshes the experience.  Everyones' definition of what makes a
> "good" coder is going to be a little different, and everyone's a n00b
> at everything at some point, but what it comes down to is an interest
> in improvement.  Some programmers show up at work, do their thing, and
> go home, never really thinking about their work beyond what's at the
> surface.  Other programmers, however, actively work to improve their
> ability to write code, think about the projects they work on at a
> higher level, and possibly most importantly, seek to better understand
> *why* they code the way they code.  Why is always the most important
> question; it is the key to understanding, and this is the critical
> differentiating factor.  So in that sense, Mariano is correct: we
> don't want to limit ourselves to the "best" coders, but we
> *definitely* want to limit ourselves to those who try to be.  See
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaizen
> > Most of our projects are starting small and growing later. We have a lot
> > of legacy apps to manage and what we are producing will be managed by
> > other peoples. We need to make the work easy for them, not require them
> > to be super-geniouses to understand the mess we have produced.
> Yet another reason to choose Cake over and overblown CMS; thank you
> for making my point.
> > Sorry but I wont convince my managers by using your joda talk. :-)
> Then your managers must think very little of you and your work if you
> cannot even be trusted to choose your own tools.
> >

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