I've been trying to get the associations right, but I somehow got lost
in my thinking about how every model relates to the other. Maybe
someone can have a fresh view on my problem.

I've put all my models between "" in this explanation, so it is easier
to read.

I have several models:

All the "Pages" in a "Site" share the same "Design"
Each "Design" has many "Layers", and each "Layer" can have many
"Widgets", BUT the widgets in each layer are also dependant of the
current "Page".

Every "Page" in a site uses the same "Design" and thus the same
"Layers", but the widgets in the layers can vary from page to page.

I hope I'm being clear in my description above.

I was able to set up the relations to a good degree, but got stuck
when I realised that widgets don't belong to a layer, but ONLY to the
combination of "Page" and "Layer". And layers belong to a design, but
widgets DON'T belong to a design.

Any ideas how this would translate to Cake associations?

Any help in my thinking about this would be appreciated as well :)

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