hint - search this group for 'cron jobs'

On Oct 17, 1:58 pm, Felix Geisendörfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You might want to check out this extension if you you need things like this:
> http://www.vl-srm.net/doc/
> However, you find it easier to have a queue table that is processed by a
> cron executed script for your background processing needs.
> -- Felix
> --------------------------
> My Blog:http://www.thinkingphp.org
> My Business:http://www.fg-webdesign.de
> Baz wrote:
> > This isn't a very CakePHP question.
> > It's straight PHP. The short answer is no. Anything you execute in PHP
> > is going to be done in a blocking call.
> > --
> > Baz L
> > Web Development 2.0
> >http://WebDevelopment2.com/
> > On 10/17/07, *regent* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> > wrote:
> >     I need to run a php script in the background.  I have figured out I
> >     can run it like this:
> >     exec ("/usr/bin/php yourscript.php" >/dev/null &");
> >     I have 2 questions concerning this:
> >     1) Can I run a php script within the CakePhp framework?  I've been
> >     able to run it outside the framework, I just put the script under
> >     webroot.  But can i run it within the framework so I can take
> >     advantage of CakePhp's extra functionality?  To be more clear, I want
> >     the script to reside in one of my views folders, so I can still take
> >     advantage of Cake's functions.
> >     2) How do I pass arguments to the script?  I need the exact syntax.
> >     I've searched google and could not find a clear example of how to do
> >     this.
> >     Thanks.

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