I was trying to do something earlier with plugins in 1.1 and
everything seemed to work fine until the larger application wanted to
access the plugin, then things went downhill.
I made a plugin that controlled all the authentication, registering,
logging in and out of users.  The idea for this was that, why do I
have to copy the same models, views and controllers between every app
when I can just drop it in the plugin dir and have app_controller load

To me, that's my idea of a plugin but, I wanted the app to be able to
access some of the data or functionality and was told that it wouldn't
work like that. I could have used an rA() call but, at that time, the
slow down for me was unbearable. Dunno if it was ever fixed but, just
as a warning.  Look carefully at your plugin, what it does, how it
interacts with the larger app.  For now, if your plugin requires
anything from your app or you app wants to hook into your plugin, then
it may be wise to forgo the plugin altogether. (At least until plugins
work the way I envision them! =D).

On Nov 15, 1:38 am, Gwoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting the intro of the plugins section of the manual, "CakePHP
> allows you to set up a combination of controllers, models, and views
> and release them as a packaged application plugin that others can use
> in their CakePHP applications...Package it as a CakePHP plugin so you
> can pop it into other applications."
> This pretty much sums up the original intent of a plugin as a
> portable, distributed, mini app. As such, Plugins would have no
> knowledge of the main application, so they can be easy added to an
> existing application without requiring any extra configuration or the
> addition of other classes. Essentially, what you are talking about
> would be creating dependencies that were not intended.
> Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems some are using plugins to
> organize parts of a larger application. To me, you are on a slippery
> slope here to basically negating the whole benefit of a plugin and
> just making it more work on yourself. Using the config/bootstrap.php
> to organize your MVC requires a lot less code and should yield the
> same benefits.
> That said, there are some changes in the works that may allow this
> functionality. So time will tell, but at least you know why it works
> the way it does right now.
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