How did you port the code over?

Did you copy the whole web folder over in one go?

This doesn't work (unless both systems are 100% identical). You will
get error all over the place because you copied over the cache from
the old system and cake (quite rightly) gets confused (files are no-
longer where the cache thinks they are).

Best way to do it (in my experience) is to install cake on the target
machine, copy over your app directory and then delete the cache
directory (in app/temp).

Hope this helps :)

(as an aside, I develop on a windows box but our live systems are all
*nix - works fine for me) :-)

On Nov 16, 11:00 pm, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
> a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
> PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
> to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
> issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
> tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
> just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
> tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
> as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.
> Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
> going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
> Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).
> So, the question:
> Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> Does anyone know of a pretty close match to CakePHP that WILL work
> with IIS? Doesn't have to have rewrite.  I just need something that I
> can fairly easily port this code over to in about 2 weeks time.
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