Here's another thought, has anyone run into any trobule with Windows
2003 Web Edition (not the full windows server 2003 that includes file
server stuff, domain controller stuff)?

On Nov 19, 10:46 am, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> Well, I tried this weekend to get cake running on Windows IIS7, MySQL
> and PHP.  It works fine with a fresh install and making a new
> controller, model and view.  Works fine with Apache on Windows too
> but, I am seeing a recurring pattern here.
> If I extend the AppController by placing another app_controller.php
> file into the app directory and put var $components =
> array('Session');  then in function beforeRender(){ 
> $this->Session->check('some_key'); } I get this error:
> [Mon Nov 19 10:36:34 2007] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
> error:  Call to a member function check() on a non-object in C:\\apache
> \\htdocs\\app\\app_controller.php on line 82
> Doesn't matter if it's apache or iis, that's the error that persists.
> Apache on Windows, I have mod_rewrite enabled in httpd.conf and I have
> the AllowOverride settings to All.
> Now, I also set up another Linux box with apache mysql and php, just
> copied over the site and voila. Works fine!
> The only difference is that one is on Windows and the other is on
> Linux.
> I am going to paste what's in my app controller.php here so, this post
> may get a little long.
> <?php
> class AppController extends Controller
> {
>     /**
>      * Adding Ajax and Javascript helpers to the default helpers.
>      * This will load them on the home page.
>      *
>      * @var Array Holds the names of the helpers to be loaded by
> default
>      */
>     public $helpers = array('Html',
>                                             'Ajax',
>                                             'Javascript',
>                                             'MenuDisplay',
>                                             'Banners',
>                                             'DraggableBox',
>                                             'FormatCategories',
>                                             'Session',
>                                             'HeaderSearch',
>                                             'TextImage',
>                                             'TodaysHotProp',
>                                             'classifiedGlance',
>                                             'AdminHelper',
>                                             'Number',
>                                             'Form',
>                                             'Pdf');
>     public $uses = array('Menu', 'Category', 'HotProp', 'Classified',
> 'WvdBanner', 'Edition','Banner');
>     public $components = array('Cookie', 'Session', 'Apphtml',
> 'MyAuth');
>     /**
>      * Changing the default extension of templates to php.
>      *
>      * @var String Holds the default extension of template files.
>      */
>     public $ext = '.php';
>     /**
>      * Setting the default pagination properties.  Mainly for
> classifieds.
>      *
>      * @var Array Holds the default pagination limits
>      */
>     public $paginate = array('limit' => 20, 'page' => 1);
>     /**
>      * Setting the default theme
>      *
>      * @var String The default theme
>      */
>     private $current_theme = 'blue';
>     /**
>      * This method overrides the basic method from
> Controller::beforeRender()
>      * There are certain things that every view needs in order to
> display
>      * correctly so, we set those values here, right before the page
> renders.
>      *
>      * @internal We can also set a beforeFilter if we need to shut the
> site down
>      */
>     public function beforeRender()
>     {
>         // I get the error here for $this->Session->check();
>         /**
>          * Get rid of the callback when not on the users controller
>          *
>          * @todo Add more controllers later on if needed
>          */
>         if(($this->params['controller'] != "users") &&
>              $this->Session->check('callback'))
>         {
>             $this->Session->del('callback');
>         }
>         // Every view has the side menu, get the links and set them in
> an array for the view
>         $this->set('menuArray', $this->Menu->getMenuItems());
>         // We set recursive to 0 because we don't want unnecessary
> data
>         $this->Category->recursive = "0";
>         // We get the classified categories for the Quick Links box
>         $this->set('categories', $this->Category->findAll());
>         $this->set('edition', $this->Cookie->read('edition'));
>         //Get the data for the Today's Hot Prop View
>         $rMax = $this->HotProp->getNumRows();
>         srand(date('His'));
>         $randomNumber = rand(1, $rMax);
>         $this->set('randomHotProp', $this->HotProp-
> >findById($randomNumber));
>         /**
>          * Do some stuff for crumbs
>          */
>         $this->Apphtml->addCrumb('Home', '/');
>         if($this->params['controller'] != "pages")
>         {
> $this->Apphtml->addCrumb(Inflector::camelize($this->params['controller']), 
> DS.$this->params['controller'].DS);
>             if($this->params['action'] != "index")
>             {
> $this->Apphtml->addCrumb(Inflector::camelize($this->params['action']), 
> DS.$this->params['controller'].DS.$this-
> >params['action'].DS);
>             }
>         }
>         $this->set('crumbs', 
> $this->Apphtml->getCrumbs("&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;"));
>     }
>     public function beforeFilter()
>     {
>         // Clean out the old oneby thumbnail images
>         $this->CleanTmpOnebys();
>         // Check the banner status and set banners to inactive if they
> are out of date
>         $this->CheckBannerStatusWs();
>         // We are going to set the default edition for QuickLinks here
>         // 31556926 = 1 year in seconds
>         if(is_null($this->Cookie->read('edition')))
>         {
>             $this->Cookie->write('edition', 'all', true, 31556926);
>             $this->Cookie->write('askededition', 0, true, 31556926);
>         }
>         // If the current theme is not set in a cookie, use the
> default and set the cookie
>         if(is_null($this->Cookie->read('user_theme')))
>         {
>             $this->set('current_theme', $this->current_theme);
>             // 2592000 is the time in seconds for 30 days
>             $this->Cookie->write('user_theme', $this->current_theme,
> true, 31556926);
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             // The theme was found in the cookie, use it.
>             $this->set('current_theme', $this->Cookie->read('user_theme'));;
>         }
>                 $this->set('secure', false);
>     }
>     /**
>      * This method will delete the images out of tmp_onebys every
>      * 7 days
>      *
>      * @return Void
>      * @access private
>      */
>     private function CleanTmpOnebys() {
>         $clean = false;
>                 uses('File');
>                 $file = new File(APP."tmp/clean_time.txt", true);
>                 $contents = $file->read();
>                 if(empty($contents)) {
>                     $file->write(strtotime("+7 days", strtotime(date('Y-m-d
> 00:00:00'))));
>                     $clean = true;
>                 } else {
>                     if(time() > intval($contents)) {
>                         $clean = true;
>                     }
>                 }
>                 // Perform the purge
>                 if($clean == true) {
>                         uses('Folder');
>                 $folder = new Folder(WWW_ROOT.'/img/tmp_onebys');
>                 $files = $folder->read();
>                 if(is_array($files)) {
>                         $files = Set::extract($files, "1.{n}");
>                         foreach($files as $key => $value) {
>                             $tmp_file = new File(WWW_ROOT.'/img/tmp_onebys/'.
> $value);
>                             $tmp_file->delete();
>                             unset($tmp_file);
>                         }
>                         $file->write(strtotime("+7 days", 
> strtotime(date('Y-m-d
> 00:00:00'))));
>                 }
>                 }
>     }
>     private function CheckBannerStatusWs() {
>         uses('File');
> /**
>  * check to see if the banner date file exists, if the file does not
> exist create it and set the date of the contents to Next Tuesday ay
> 12:00pm
>  */
>         $dateFile = new File(APP."tmp/banner_status_ws.txt", true);
>                 $handle = $dateFile->read();
>                 if(empty($handle)) {
>                     $dateFile->write(strtotime("next Wednesday 00:00"));
>                 } else {
> // check the time value stored and make sure it is in the next week
>                     if(time() > intval($handle)) {
>                         $dateFile->write(strtotime("next Wednesday 00:00"));
>                         $handle = $dateFile->read();
> // Store all banners into an array
>                         $arr =  $this->Banner->findAll();
> // Loop through the banners and check the status
>                                 foreach ($arr as $key=> $value) {
>                                         if (strtotime( 
> $arr[$key]['Banner']['end']) < intval($handle)) {
> //                                              echo "ID: 
> ".$arr[$key]['Banner']['id']. " should be Inactive!
> <br />";
>                                                 $bid = 
> $arr[$key]['Banner']['id'];
> $this->Banner->save(array('Banner' => array('id' => $bid,
> 'status'=> "Inactive")));
> //                                              echo $key .  " - ";
> //                                              echo 
> $arr[$key]['Banner']['id'] . "<br />";
>                                         }
>                                 }
>                     }
>                 }
>     }
>     private function CheckBannerStatusGs() {
>         uses('File');
> /**
>  * check to see if the banner date file exists, if the file does not
> exist create it and set the date of the contents to Next Tuesday ay
> 12:00pm
>  */
>         $dateFile = new File(APP."tmp/banner_status_gs.txt", true);
>                 $handle = $dateFile->read();
>                 if(empty($handle)) {
>                     $dateFile->write(strtotime("next Friday 00:00"));
>                 } else {
> // check the time value stored and make sure it is in the next week
>                     if(time() > intval($handle)) {
>                         $dateFile->write(strtotime("next Friday 00:00"));
>                     }
>                 }
> //      $arr =  $this->Banner->findAll();
>     }}
> ?>
> On Nov 19, 8:31 am, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I know that I've run into problems trying to configure Apache, PHP, and
> > MySQL separately on Windows.
> > But the WAMP and XAMPP solutions work (and port) great.  Just ensure you use
> > "DS" instead of "/" or "\" and remember that on Windows Apache (or PHP)
> > doesn't seem to be case sensitive.
> > Those are the only problems I've run into with porting to Linux. Never had
> > problems the other way around. But if you trying to run on IIS, good luck
> > with that.
> > --
> > Baz L
> > On Nov 19, 2007 4:47 AM, RichardAtHome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
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