I would like to offer some help with the official docs. I'm not sure
how much time i can put in because, like everyone else, i've got a
crap-load on my plate already. But the docs do need some serious help.
The presentation, for one, makes it difficult to find things. That,
and the underlying generated markup is horrendous.

John: i don't at all mean to criticise; i fully understand the
situation. I'm just pointing out a couple of areas that i think could
use some improvement, since this thread is beginning to look like a
sign-up sheet.

Zoe: your guide is a huge addition! Maybe it can be folded into the
official docs, or maybe it can become a companion guide. Perhaps some
agreement about that can be reached, and might spur both projects

I agree with Baz & Zoe about not quite knowing whether the steps i'm
taking are appropriate. With the new behaviors and whatnot, coupled
with all of the novel ways people are coming up with to do things, it
can be a bit dizzying trying to figure out just what is appropriate.

Just yesterday, i spent ages going over Andy's Attachment behavior,
trying to make sense of the (almost) comment-less code. The good thing
is that I learned a great deal about Cake (and a couple of neat PHP
tricks). And I realised that my brainwave to deal with uploads in the
validation code was ... validated by others--more astute about Cake
than I--who'd figured it out already.

The best, though, was that, after finally judging that I had Andy's
behavior figured out, I stumbled upon David Persson's wonderful (and
wonderfully-packaged) Attachments Project[1], built upon a collection
of others' cool ideas (including Andy's). Going through the source I
suddenly had botha revelation for how Cake works (or, at least,
should) and inspiration for how to resolve some long-standing problems
with my project (well over and above those things that Cake has
already addressed for me).

My point being that good documentation--especially in the source--can
help tremendously.

[1] http://cakeforge.org/projects/attm/

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