Andy, thank you for your input!

Okay now I feel like a total **rk for asking something that has been
a) explained so well in a discussion and b) stuck in the frequent
discussion page :) The thing is I've actually read that specific
discussion (plus a bunch of other threads/articles), but because I
also read that specific thread back half an year ago when searching
for a solution to a different problem - the trivial filtering of HABTM
model - I haven't paid attention to the extra info on how to setup
multiple joins. This time I just browsed the first couple of lines and
thought that I recalled the discussion and it wouldn't help me as it
was regarding a different matter :)

Regarding the DISTINCT operator in fields - I tried setting the fields
in $paginate as follows:

        $this->paginate['User'] = array(
            'limit' => 3,
            'page' => 1,
            'order' => array('' => 'desc'),
            'fields' => array(

Then, when setting an 'OR' type restriction (HabtmModel.foreign_key_id
=> array(id_1, id_2)), I'm getting the correct records, but wrong data
in the counter:
For example if 5 users match the restrictions, and one of them is
associated with both habtm foreign keys I'm getting 5 records as per
the DISTINCT operator, but the counter navigation is showing 6

View 1 - 3 of 6
    3 records listed

View 4 - 6 of 6
    2 records listed

Examining the SQL shows that the DISTINCT operator is not applied the
COUNT(*) MySQL query:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `users` AS `User` LEFT JOIN `groups`
AS `Group` ON ...
SELECT DISTINCT `User`.`id`, `User`.*, `User`.`id` FROM `users` AS
`User` LEFT JOIN `groups` AS `Group` ON...

Is there a workaround for this inconsistence?

On 11 Фев, 10:55, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> you can specify fields in var $paginate

> (filtering HABTM data (once more))
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