On Feb 10, 10:57 pm, Nasko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been pulling my hair over this puzzle for two days now. I have
> this setup (not actual models - these are changed for clarity):
> Post belongsTo User
> Post hasAndBelongsToMany Category
> Post hasAndBelongsToMany Tag
> I'm doing a search via a filter form and I need a paginated result
> set. I'm familiar with alternative ways of modeling  the Habtm
> associations - a) using a dummy habtm model; b) using an implied
> (auto) or an explicitly designated 'with' association model - that
> could be used to filter by the foreign habtm model, but the problem is
> that all articles or discussions in the groups  I've read are dealing
> with a single HABTM association on which the filtering is done.
> In my case I couldn't paginate or findAll() via the habtm model,
> because I have search conditions in other models associated with
> 'Post' - e.g. I need all posts belonging to a specific user,
> associated with a specific category_id and with a specific tag_id.
> I'm not posting all the code in my controller/action - just the
> relevant statements.
> The following works fine:
>         $filterConditions = array(
>             'Post.active' => 1,
>             'Post.user_id' => $user_id,
>             'CategoryPost.category_id' => $category_id,
>             'PostTag.tag_id' => $tag_id,
>         );
>         $posts = $this->paginate('Post', $filterConditions);
> Now, I have two valid requirements which are similar to the above and
> which I'm not able to come up with solutions to:
> 1) I need the Posts associated to either category_id 'X' or
> category_id 'Y':
>         $filterConditions = array(
>             'Post.active' => 1,
>             'Post.user_id' => $user_id,
>             'CategoryPost.category_id' => array($cat1_id, $cat2_id),
>             'PostTag.tag_id' => $tag_id,
>         );
>         $posts = $this->paginate('Post', $filterConditions);
> The issue with this scenario is that I'm getting duplicate records if
> a Post has been associated with both $cat1_id and $cat2_id. I found
> several discussions mentioning a way of passing a $fields array() to
> findAll() and specifying 'DISTINCT PrimaryModel.id' in it. Ok, but I
> have no way of passing a similar $fields array to
> Controller::paginate(). Have I missed anything or is this requirement
> not achievable at all without custom queries.

you can specify fields in var $paginate

> 2) To complicate things even further I need to be able to query for
> Posts that are associated to both categories $cat1_id AND $cat2_id. I
> am not even able to come up with the correct syntax for specifying the
> conditions. It just doesn't feel right to use something like:
>         $filterConditions = array(
>             'Post.active' => 1,
>             'Post.user_id' => $user_id,
>             'CategoryPost.category_id' => $cat1_id,
>             'CategoryPost.category_id' => $cat2_id,
>             'PostTag.tag_id' => $tag_id,
>         );
> I'd be extremely thankful for any hints on the right solution to these
> issues!

(filtering HABTM data (once more))
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