With debug=2 the queries are exaclty equal except for the DESCRIBE
operation on the joinTable.
Perhaps it'is a my feeling.
Exist a instrument for evalute the time loading of a scripts?
Is it possible to use eAccelarator with Cake 1.2?

On 28 Mag, 18:43, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> I have change a bit of code but only not important (for example
> loadModule with App::import('Model', .....);  , I have inserted the
> RequestHandler )
> I don't have instruments for mesaurement the execution of script.
> But I can see clearly the the loading of the same page  (a very simple
> page) is slower in cake 1.2.
> On 28 Mag, 17:29, Joel Perras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When you set your debug configure level above 0 (which you have done
> > to be able to see the relevant SQL queires), the model caches are
> > refreshed.  When in production mode (debug level of 0), the DESCRIBE
> > query results are cached.
> > You'll have to be more specific when saying 'is slower than the same
> > application on 1.1.13' to get any useful information on how to
> > optimize.  Is there more data being sent to the views than necessary?
> > Are there superfluous queries being run?  Have you changed anything
> > else since your upgrade, i.e. controller logic, model logic, etc.?
> > -Joel.
> > On May 28, 9:49 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I have a question.
> > > I upgrade my applications from 1.1.13 to 1.2
> > > I have noted that the same application in 1.2 is slower than the same
> > > application on 1.1.13.
> > > I use $this->Model->unbind and $this->Model->recursive=-1   in my
> > > applications.
> > > I have two query:
> > > 1) In Cake 1.2 for use $this->Model->unbind and 
> > > $this->Model->recursive=-1 I have to set some $actas or they work even if 
> > > I have no
> > > $actas setted?
> > > 2)I have analized queries (debug set 2) and I see that there are some
> > > queries to determinate fields of the join tables of the HABTM's
> > > relation (DESCRIBE .... ) .Is it possible to do that my application
> > > doesn't execute these queries?
> > > Many Thanks- Nascondi testo tra virgolette -
> > - Mostra testo tra virgolette -- Nascondi testo tra virgolette -
> - Mostra testo tra virgolette -
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