Seems to me that Cake has almost become a language in its own right. I
rarely write pure PHP these days. With that in mind and my tongue in
my cheek, would you ask the same question about adherence to C++
standards if you were rewriting Python? (I know it's different because
the C is compiled, but you get my meaning).

Cake 1.2 is a good,solid product that has proved durable through beta
(more than can be said for most other betas - I'm thinking FF3.0). I
trust the Cake team to produce a product that works. How they do it
doesn't really bother me.

As for strictness, how many people actually know about it or more
importantly understand? Strict will only ever mean something to people
who tuck their shirts into their underpants because the world just
isn't a strict place. Strict is more like a guiding light to drag the
less strict in the right direction.
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