Make sure your associations aren't backwards.
Read ,
compare foreignKey for hasOne and belongsTo.

On 20 Jun 2008, at 09:34, Turnquist, Jonah wrote:

> I have a 'entries' table and a 'categories' table.  I am creating an
> 'add' page to add a new entry, and I want to be able to select the
> category that the entry goes into.
> View:
> <h1>Add Entry</h1>
> <?php
> echo $form->create('Entry');
> echo $form->input('category_id');
> echo $form->end('Submit');
> ?>
> Model:
> <?php
> class Entry extends AppModel
> {
>       var $hasOne = 'Category';
>       var $validate = array(
>       );
> }
> ?>
> Category modal:
> <?php
> class Category extends AppModel
> {
>       var $validate = array(
>       );
> }
> I want the add page to show a drop down menu of all the availiable
> categories in the categories table, what am i doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Jonah
> >

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