This is unfortunately something you will have to solve yourself, or
with the assistance of a local PHP expert. Perhaps you can find a
decent PHP IDE/editor that will highlight mistakes. Or you could try
right-clicking and "view source" on the HTML to see the error. Or
check the logs of your webserver or Cake itself to see an error.


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 2:21 AM, kujina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Wayne
> After I made my last post I could see that the changes probably should
> be made in the "view.ctp" file.
> I put in the code you sugested, (I'm 99.9% sure I did it correctly)
> but the job listings pages come up completely blank.
> Is it becuase the syntax (is that what you call it?) has a mistake in
> it?
> I did add an apostrophe to the end of ['information_doc] but that
> didnt help.
> ...Thanks...
> On Sep 8, 4:33 am, "Wayne Fay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes, you would alter the view.ctp file. Something along these lines...
>> Wayne
>>    <fieldset>
>>        <legend>Application Pack</legend>
>> <?php if ({$job['Job']['application_form_doc] != null) { ?>
>>        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
>> 'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
>> $html->link('Application Form', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
>> ['application_form_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-
>> decoration: none')); ?><br />
>> <?php } ?>
>> <?php if ({$job['Job']['job_description_doc] != null) { ?>
>>        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
>> 'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
>> $html->link('Job Description', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
>> ['job_description_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-
>> decoration: none')); ?><br />
>> <?php } ?>
>> <?php if ({$job['Job']['information_doc] != null) { ?>
>>        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
>> 'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
>> $html->link('Information', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
>> ['information_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-decoration:
>> none')); ?>
>> <?php } ?>
>>    </fieldset>
> >

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