Good to hear you made it work. As for the "healthy code" bit, I don't
like the <?php ... ?> all over the place personally, but if it works,
this is simply an issue of style preference.

This would be my preference:
  if ($job['Job']['information_doc'] != null)
    echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px'));
    echo $html->link('Information', UPLOADS_URL .
"/{$job['Job']['information_doc']}", array('target' =>'_blank',
'style'=>'color: #000; text-decoration: none'));

Also, rather than inline-styling of the elements with the style=>...
stuff, I would probably make a few CSS classes and apply them. Again,
this is mostly a personal preference.


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 2:20 PM, kujina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh wow, I seemed to of corrected it to make it work, it seems to work
> fine now with the following adjusted on the first line:
> <?php if ($job['Job']['information_doc'] != null) { ?>
> <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
> 'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px'))
> ?><?php echo $html->link('Information', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
> ['information_doc']}", array('target' =>
> '_blank', 'style'=>'color: #000; text-decoration: none')); ?>
> <?php } ?>
> Can anybody confirm that the code looks healthy?
> On Sep 8, 5:51 pm, "Wayne Fay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is unfortunately something you will have to solve yourself, or
>> with the assistance of a local PHP expert. Perhaps you can find a
>> decent PHP IDE/editor that will highlight mistakes. Or you could try
>> right-clicking and "view source" on the HTML to see the error. Or
>> check the logs of your webserver or Cake itself to see an error.
>> Wayne
>> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 2:21 AM, kujina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hi Wayne
>> > After I made my last post I could see that the changes probably should
>> > be made in the "view.ctp" file.
>> > I put in the code you sugested, (I'm 99.9% sure I did it correctly)
>> > but the job listings pages come up completely blank.
>> > Is it becuase the syntax (is that what you call it?) has a mistake in
>> > it?
>> > I did add an apostrophe to the end of ['information_doc] but that
>> > didnt help.
>> > ...Thanks...
>> > On Sep 8, 4:33 am, "Wayne Fay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Yes, you would alter the view.ctp file. Something along these lines...
>> >> Wayne
>> >>    <fieldset>
>> >>        <legend>Application Pack</legend>
>> >> <?php if ({$job['Job']['application_form_doc] != null) { ?>
>> >>        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
>> >> 'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
>> >> $html->link('Application Form', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
>> >> ['application_form_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-
>> >> decoration: none')); ?><br />
>> >> <?php } ?>
>> >> <?php if ({$job['Job']['job_description_doc] != null) { ?>
>> >>        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
>> >> 'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
>> >> $html->link('Job Description', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
>> >> ['job_description_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-
>> >> decoration: none')); ?><br />
>> >> <?php } ?>
>> >> <?php if ({$job['Job']['information_doc] != null) { ?>
>> >>        <?php echo $html->image('pdf-icon.gif', array('alt'=>'',
>> >> 'style'=>'vertical-align: bottom; margin-right: 5px')) ?><?php echo
>> >> $html->link('Information', UPLOADS_URL . "/{$job['Job']
>> >> ['information_doc']}", array('style'=>'color: #000; text-decoration:
>> >> none')); ?>
>> >> <?php } ?>
>> >>    </fieldset>- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> >

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