First off read this:

After that make sure you have your copy of cake in your www folder.
Than (if the server is on your machine your working from) try looking
at http://localhost/

On Sep 9, 1:23 pm, "Jerry Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks...install of xampp went like a running XAMPP Control Panal
> Application and see Apache, MySQL, FileZilla, and Mercury...but where is
> CAKE?  or am I trying to have my cake and eat it too?
> Cheers,
> Pittore
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Donkeybob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CakePHP" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 6:48 AM
> Subject: Re: Need help on Install
> one word . . . .xampp.
> for xp, it is the beez kneez . . .
> set up is easy and everything is done for you. apache, mysql,
> php . . . .then edit the httpd.conf to add a virtual host.
> i run many development sites from this configuration
> On Sep 8, 8:09 pm, Pittore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have apache2 up and running on my Windows XP Pro laptop
> > I have established the following directory structure:
> > Apache2
> > htdocs
> > cake
> > When I type
> > I get "Page not found"
> > some kind soul sent me these suggestions:
> > 1. Create a simple static VirtualHost under Apache based on the
> > simplehost
> > example configuration file
> > C:\www\Apache22\conf\extra\vhosts\_static\
> > a. Resave file as, in the same folder, to duplicate
> > it.
> > b. Update all occurrences of '' to ''
> > within.
> > c. Create folder C:\www\Apache22\conf\extra\vhosts\_static\
> > \
> > d. Create folder C:\www\vhosts\_static\\ to be used as
> > the
> > container for this VirtualHost.
> > e. Create log folder C:\Apache22\logs\\
> > 2. Unpack cakephp as folder C:\www\vhosts\_static\\cake\
> > 3. Modify this VirtualHost's configuration [] and
> > change
> > DocumentRoot from...
> > DocumentRoot "C:/www/vhosts/_static/"
> > To...
> > DocumentRoot "C:/www/vhosts/_static/"
> > 4. Restart Apache.
> > However, I am stuck on step 1a and b...I don't know where to find the
> > file:
> > ''
> > any suggestions? Help...I have been trying to configure cake now for
> > 4 days am getting frustrated.
> > -- Pittore
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