Memory usage is not something you should be overly concerned with on a
development machine. (which I guess is what you are testing) If you
are using WAMP or XAMPP or something like them then you are basically
faking a *nix environment for php to run in. This is probably not the
most memory efficient setup for CakePHP on Windows. Have you tried
running Cake on a more "native" Windows installation? It is a pain to
install (or it was last time I gave it a go) but should run both
faster and more efficient than the *AMPs.

I tried pasting your memory-snipped into my layout and got back
results between 1.3 and 1.5 MB on two different apps. But if I look at
the apache processes, each on is between 12 and 20 MB of system
memory. My point is that 5MB measured may vary with the type of php
installation. I am not knowledgeable about how php measures memory but
I can imagine that as a apache module it measures only "itself" but as
a cgi or fcgi process it may include the overhead of the "cgi-
wrapper". Apache also has a different "worker" setup for Windows that
may affect memory usage.


On Nov 7, 9:09 am, Remigijus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I found my problem. It's windows. I have put source code on
> Linux, and results are
> Memory used with debug set to 1: 4.8 MB
> Load time: 0.4s, 3-4 sec, 1 sec.
> To Martin and Teknoid:
> Can you tell me the memory usage of you sites? I am watching it on
> layout page inserted line:
> memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024
> And by the way, why on windows cakephp uses 5.5 MB memory, same source
> on the Linux uses 4.8 MB?
> On Nov 6, 9:40 pm, teknoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just did a simple look up on a random page of my app (1.2 RC3, recent
> > nightly build)
> > There are three models paginated on the page limit=15 rows.
> > Total of 18 queries required to get all data, 2 for pagination of the
> > main Model (with some conditions), 16 for related models...
> > yes they are little selects on hasMany.
> > There are a couple of CSS includes from the view and a few jquery
> > scripts as well.
> > Debug = 2.
> > Total render time:  0.4857s
> > Simple windows XP PC: 2.33GHz Core Duo, ~ 2GB RAM
> > On Nov 6, 1:50 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Ziobe:
> > > It sounds like you are having some odd problem with that computer. I
> > > am sorry to say I have no idea of what could be the cause. If 1.2
> > > works fine on another computer, then the oldest support answer in the
> > > world might be the only way: reinstall.
> > > On Nov 6, 12:12 pm, Ziobe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Just to say that my cakephp project is blank.
> > > > And even if i try to change the debug, the problem is still here
> > > Remigijus:
> > > CakePHP 1.2 IS a bit slower than 1.1 in the "real-app" tests I have
> > > done on my own (roughly 10-30%). But since the difference is more
> > > pronounced in more complex requests, a lot of that may be that my code
> > > is not optimised enough for 1.2 yet. I have one benchmark that
> > > disturbs me but that is best left to it's own thread.
> > > But I am not experiencing anything like what you describe. A simple
> > > blog-like app I built by taking a chainsaw to the code for the bakery
> > > is online ( with debug @ 1 and it is
> > > usually rendering in less than 0.05 sec. And that is still on RC2 (=
> > > the reportedly slow version) and not RC3.
> > > FYI: It is on a single server (core duo2 2.33GHz, 2GB RAM sata
> > > raid10... nothing special) running mysql5, apache2 and php5 from
> > > Ubuntu's standard packages. eAccelerator is active but I have not done
> > > much else to optimize apache/php.
> > > I am only detailing this to give you something to compare to. That
> > > server is a home-built garage-server that should be comparable to any
> > > normal computer.
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