Where can we learn about these tweaks or how to stream line cake?


On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 7:43 PM, rtconner <rtcon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > CakePHP is a developers framework, true, its inherently going to be
> > slower than pure HTML etc; indeed.  What has me shaking my head is
> > looking at all the other frameworks going from 1.x to 2.x increasing
> > their performance with each major release whereas we've gone backwards
> > at a 1:2 (1:4 in linked Yii Benchmark) rate with something as simple
> > as pages per second of static (or near static) content.
> Yeah but 1.2 has a million new features over 1.1. And I'm happy with
> the speed of Cake, there is not much tom complain about. On slow
> pages, there are tons of tweaks you can can do to get it up to snuff.
> Like you said, it's a developers framework.
> >

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