What does $this->params show you?

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:18 PM, medo <alani.moham...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi group,
> i have problem with my search feature in my site the problem is when i
> use the search page to search for an Arabic word with the form get
> method. and i faced that problem in the prototype below
>>>>>>>>>> search_controller.php  <<<<<<<<<<
> <?php
> class SearchController extends AppController {
>  var $name='Search';
>  var $uses=array('Article');
>  function index(){
>    $this->layout='page';
>    if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) {
>      $this->set('articles',$this->Article->find('all',array
> ('conditions'=>array('Article.body like'=>'%'.base64_decode($_GET
> ['keyword']).'%'))));
>      $this->set('keyword',$_GET['keyword']);
>      $this->data['Search']['keyword']=urlencode(base64_decode($_GET
> ['keyword']));
>    }
>  }
> }
> ?>
>>>>>>>>>> index.ctp  <<<<<<<<<<
> <?php e($form->create(null,array('type'=>'get','url'=>'/search'))); ?>
> <?php e($form->input('Search.keyword',array('label'=>'الكلمة المراد
> البحث عنها'))); ?>
> <?php e($form->end('ابحث'));?>
> <hr />
> نتائج البحث عن <?php e($keyword); ?>
> <?php var_dump($articles); ?>
> and i use utf-8 for the layout.
> the problem is that the result of echoing $keyword is '' why that and
> how to solve that
> >

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