thank you Dr. Loboto but i find the real problem.

i develop the site under firefox so if i use the internet explorer i can get
the arabic word like it it but when i use the firefox and search for word
like مقال the address of firefox will be


and when i just confirm this link by press enter on it the firefox converted
the link to

which will cuase the problem so is there any way to check form the encoding

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Dr. Loboto <> wrote:

> Your problem is caused by wrong page encoding. Follow Marcelo Andrade
> checklist to eliminate wrong encoding on all steps. Everywhere should
> be UTF-8 and URL will be in UTF-8 too. Or you use some unknown really
> stupid browser that can't handle UTF-8 at all - but I can't imagine
> such a browser in present time.
> On Feb 1, 3:02 pm, mohammad al-ani <> wrote:
> > thank you all for your time and help
> >
> > but my problem actually is caused by the browser . he send the url query
> to
> > the cakephp in the form of ANSI and i configure the cake and the header
> of
> > generated page to use the utf-8 so the quastion is how to change the
> recived
> > ansi data to the utf-8 data> it's not about notpad++ it's about dynamic
> read
> > write data
> >
> > On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 6:54 PM, Marcelo Andrade <
> >wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 7:18 PM, medo <>
> wrote:
> > > > (..)
> >
> > > This is a very common issue.  Just follow this checklist:
> >
> > > 1. Using a smart editor (for Windows: Notepad++, Textpad, ...; for
> > > Gnu/Linux: Gedit,
> > > Kedit, Geany, Kate, Vim...), be sure that all of your .php and .ctp
> > > files are saved
> > > with the UTF-8 (without BOM) encoding;
> >
> > > 2. Be sure that your webserver is configured to serve the pages in
> > > UTF-8 encoding
> > > (in Apache, the line 'AddDefaultCharset UTF-8' in your httpd.conf);
> >
> > > 3. Be sure that your database tables are configured with the UTF-8
> encoding
> > > (in
> > > MySql, create your tables with the proper collation option);
> >
> > > 4. In the very last case, if the problem still persists and your are a
> > > really paranoid,
> > > change the PHP interpreter encoding in your php.ini.
> >
> > > Best regards.
> >
> > > --
> > > MARCELO DE F. ANDRADE (aka "eleKtron")
> > > Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
> > > Linux User #221105
> >
> > > [...@pará ~]# links
> >
> > > For Libby's backstory be told on Lost
> > >
> >

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