I can't get to execute javascripts from CakePHP-Javascript helper.

I am trying to call myscript.js from myview.ctp

I have the following code lines to achieve this:

In app_controller.php file:

        var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Javascript');

In default.ctp file header section:

        <?php e($javascript->link('prototype.js')); ?>

        <?php e($scripts_for_layout); ?>

In myview.ctp file

        <?php e($javascript->link('listinvoices', false)); ?>

Firebug reports for both files a "syntax error" on line 1.
Line 1 has the document declaration

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

I checked on the web and the declaration seems to be ok.

When I try to read my js files content from Firebug debug panel all I
get is a web page stating

        "Missing Controller ... JcController could not be found"

I looked the web for the error message and found articles saying it is
caused by missing .js files being called.

Firebug reports the called .js files are under localhost/cake/js.

I checked and both .js called are physically under C:\Inetpub\wwwroot

Even though all my calls to views and actions work, I checked my
environment variables and they seem to be Ok.

        [Root] => C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cake\app\
        [App] => Is empty, Do I need to assign it a value?
        [Www_Root] => C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cake\app\webroot\ )

I tried to include the absolute path in the javascript helper link.

Instead of
        <?php e($javascript->link('prototype')); ?>

I wrote
        <?php e($javascript->link('/cake/webroot/js/prototype')); ?>

It did not worked.

I thought maybe it was an access right problem. I checked and the js
folder has      Read and "Execute Scripts only" permission

and is allowed to be accessed by the IUSR_VIRTUAL-TGM user.

Can anybody help me with this?

I am developing from a MS Virtual Machine with the following set up:
        Host:           MS Vista Ultimate 64 bits SP 1.

        Virtual Machine:
        OS :            Windows XP Pro SP 3 build 2600
        http Server :   IIS 5.1 with CGI/FastCGI API
        PHP :           5.2.6
        Cake :          1.2.18004

I am using Mod_rewrite.dll. My Mod_rewrite.ini file says:
        Debug 0
        Reload 5000
        RewriteCond HTTP_HOST localhost
        RewriteRule ^/cake/?$    /cake/index.php?REQUEST_URI=index.php [L]
        RewriteRule ^(/cake/.*)$ /cake/index.php?REQUEST_URI=$1 [L]

Sergio Torres

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