Please test on FF3.5, IE7+ , and Safari4

user: test
pass: test

please look at display current time under login button.
After login then click "back button" then see display time Firefox and
IE will show you new time but Safari still display cache time.

That's why I mention Safari still cache.


On Sep 11, 2:03 pm, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> I am not sure that is a cache problem or anything you can fix. Are you
> sure
> I use Safari 4 all the time and I am under the impression that the
> browser sometimes doesn't do any request at all when using the back
> button. It simply re-displays what it a few moments ago. I have not
> checked if the browser technically does a request or not. It is just a
> feeling I get.
> /Martin
> On Sep 11, 6:13 am, p_tucky <> wrote:
> > Hi, I have cache problem with safari 4.
> > Any one have problem like me?
> > I’ve tried with this code but does not work. It take me to the
> > previous page and have still show the text on form.
> > function beforeFilter()
> > {
> >    if($this->action == ‘login’) {
> >           $this->disableCache();
> >    }
> >     Header( “Last-Modified: ” . gmdate( “D, j M Y H:i:s” ) . ” GMT” );
> >     Header( “Expires: ” . gmdate( “D, j M Y H:i:s”, time() ) . ”
> > GMT” );
> >     Header( “Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate” );
> > }
> > FF and IE both don’t have any problem, when click “back button” and no
> > cache.
> > Safari 4 it seem still have cache when click “back button”.
> > Any solution please advise.
> > Thanks in advance.
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