I suggest you to look into the custom validation rules, see

On Oct 7, 9:57 am, WebbedIT <p...@webbedit.co.uk> wrote:
> For info the lines I now apply my hack to in 1.2.5 stable are:
> /cake/libs/model/model.php #1549 (insert new line to add extra case)
> case 'hasAndBelongsToMany':
> /cake/libs/model/model.php #1551 (was line 1550 edited to reference
> correct association array for foreignKey)
> $data[$this->alias][$this->{$associations[$association]}[$association]
> ['foreignKey']] = $this->{$association}->id;
> These hacks allow you to apply the core multiple validate rule to the
> join model and saveAll then validates that according to cakes
> conventions.  Rather than creating a join model though I add the
> validation rules in the beforeFilter of the model I am calling saveAll
> from.
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