It seems a little odd to me that you are using:


I would assume that the correct form (the one I always use) is:


so that the model, when processing the data, can recognise the model
to which the data belongs!

On Jan 14, 3:07 pm, MrDevin <> wrote:
> This is also posted on stackoverflow if you would like to see it with
> syntax highlighting and 
> such.
> So I am creating a form builder. Users will login and then fillout the
> forms that Admins have created. I am using saveAll() in my
> "data_controller" "add" method.
> This works fine and and looks like this:
>     //debug($this->data); prints the following
>     //app/controllers/data_controller.php (line 21)
>     Array
>     (
>         [Datum] => Array
>             (
>                 [0] => Array
>                     (
>                         [bool_val] => 1
>                         [field_id] => 56
>                         [form_id] => 208
>                         [user_id] => 1
>                     )
>                 [1] => Array
>                     (
>                         [bool_val] => 0
>                         [field_id] => 64
>                         [form_id] => 208
>                         [user_id] => 1
>                     )
>             )
>     )
>     // data_controller.php
>     // the  add method is like this
>       function add() {
>         debug($this->data);
>         if (!empty($this->data) ) {
>           $this->Datum->create();
>           if ($this->Datum->saveAll($this->data['Datum'])) {
>             $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Datum has been saved',
> true));
>             $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
>           } else {
>             $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Datum could not be saved.
> Please, try again.', true));
>           }
>         }
>         $forms = $this->Datum->Form->find('list');
>         $fields = $this->Datum->Field->find('list');
>         $users = $this->Datum->User->find('list');
>         $statuses = $this->Datum->Status->find('list');
>         $this->set(compact('forms', 'fields', 'users', 'statuses'));
>       }
> So that works fine and creates a series of new entries in the "data"
> table of my MySQL database. My error comes when I try to use "saveAll
> ()" in my "edit" method. I have googled and googled and googled with
> no luck. All of the articles say that my data structure should be
> correct, or that is how I am understanding them.
> So here is my view. It loops through to output checkboxes and other
> form elements but we will just look at a simple check box only
> example.
>     //field_view_datum.ctp
>     <?php
>     //debug($field_datum);
>     switch ($field['Type']['name']) {
>       case "check box" :
>         echo "<p>";
>         echo $form->label($field['FieldName'][0]['name']);
>         echo $form->hidden('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.id', array
> ('value' => $field_datum['id']));
>         echo $form->hidden('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.form_id',
> array('value' => $formID));
>         echo $form->hidden('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.field_id',
> array('value' => $field['id']));
>         echo $form->hidden('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.user_id',
> array('value' => $userID));
>         $booly = ($field_datum['bool_val'] == 0) ? false : true;
>         $options = array('checked' => $booly);
>         echo $form->checkbox('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.bool_val',
> $options);
>         echo "</p>";
>       break;
> My view will output the following HTML to the browser.
>     <p>
>       <label for="DatumFieldOne">Field One</label>
>       <input type="hidden" id="Datum164Id" value="164" name="data
> [Datum][164][id]"/>
>       <input type="hidden" id="Datum164FormId" value="208" name="data
> [Datum][164][form_id]"/>
>       <input type="hidden" id="Datum164FieldId" value="56" name="data
> [Datum][164][field_id]"/>
>       <input type="hidden" id="Datum164UserId" value="1" name="data
> [Datum][164][user_id]"/>
>       <input type="hidden" value="0" id="Datum164BoolVal_" name="data
> [Datum][164][bool_val]"/>
>       <input type="checkbox" id="Datum164BoolVal" value="1"
> checked="checked" name="data[Datum][164][bool_val]"/>
>     </p>
>     <p>
>       <label for="DatumFieldTwo">Field Two</label>
>       <input type="hidden" id="Datum165Id" value="165" name="data
> [Datum][165][id]"/>
>       <input type="hidden" id="Datum165FormId" value="208" name="data
> [Datum][165][form_id]"/>
>       <input type="hidden" id="Datum165FieldId" value="64" name="data
> [Datum][165][field_id]"/>
>       <input type="hidden" id="Datum165UserId" value="1" name="data
> [Datum][165][user_id]"/>
>       <input type="hidden" value="0" id="Datum165BoolVal_" name="data
> [Datum][165][bool_val]"/>
>       <input type="checkbox" id="Datum165BoolVal" value="1" name="data
> [Datum][165][bool_val]"/>
>     </p>
> So then when I submit the form I get the following error:
>     Fatal error: Call to a member function getColumnType() on a non-
> object in /cake/libs/model/model.php on line 949
> The data I am passing and my controller method look like this:
>         //debug($this->data['Datum']); prints the following
>         app/controllers/data_controller.php (line 39)
>         Array
>         (
>             [164] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 164
>                     [form_id] => 208
>                     [field_id] => 56
>                     [user_id] => 1
>                     [bool_val] => 1
>                 )
>             [165] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 165
>                     [form_id] => 208
>                     [field_id] => 64
>                     [user_id] => 1
>                     [bool_val] => 1
>                 )
>         )
>     //data_controller.php
>       function edit($formid = null) {
>         debug($this->data['Datum']);
>         if (!empty($this->data) ) {
>           if ($this->Datum->saveAll($this->data['Datum'])) {
>             $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Datum has been saved',
> true));
>             $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'forms',
> 'action'=>'index'));
>           } else {
>             $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Datum could not be saved.
> Please, try again.', true));
>             $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'forms',
> 'action'=>'view', 'id' => '$formid'));
>           }
>         }
>       }
> Any help that you can give would be much apriciated I have done tons
> of searching and not found the correct answer. Sorry if this post is a
> bit long winded.
> Thanks,
> Devin
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