I wrote a CMS with CakePHP that uses much the same architecture.
There's a common core that's used by about 30 sites. The classes all
have a "Cms" prefix - CmsAppController, CmsAppModel, etc. The classes
on the individual sites (AppModel, etc.) all extend the core CMS
classes. They're all empty classes - the functionality is in the CMS
core. If I want to override a function at the local level, I can. It
works quite well. The difference between my setup and yours,
keymaster, is that I use plugins instead of the 'additional paths'
setup you've implemented. Basically, there's a core version of each
plugin, again with Cms prefixes on all the classes. When someone
installs a plugin on an individual site, it creates empty classes that
extend those core classes.

It's a handy setup if you're deploying a lot of websites with similar
functionality. Bugs only fixed in one place (the core), etc. I'm glad
to see I'm not the only one doing it. :)

As for AD7six's suggestion to use behaviors instead of class
inheritance, I'm not really sure what benefit that brings to the
table. Maybe you can explain your rationale, AD? I mean, class
inheritance is a well-established, core feature of PHP that makes
logical sense in keymaster's (and my) case. I don't have the benchmark
stats to prove it, but I'd think that loading a behavior and attaching
it to a class would be more resource-intensive than simply loading a
parent class. And Cake already makes good use of inheritance - our
AppController extends Controller, after all, it doesn't $actsAs

- Jamie

On May 11, 9:02 am, AD7six <andydawso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 11, 5:30 pm, keymaster <ad...@optionosophy.com> wrote:
> > > PS additional app paths and plugins don't solve the same problem.
> > Firstly, thanks for these responses. I appreciate it.
> > Plugins and Additional paths may not solve the same problem, I agree,
> > and that's sort of what I am trying to determine, ie. whether I should
> > keep all my code as additional paths, or reorganize it as a bunch of
> > plugins.
> > > I'm kind of scared what you've been up to if for you they are 
> > > interchangable.
> > I have two main directories parallel to app/ called base_cms/ and
> > base_ecommerce/ , each containing several subfolders, as follows:
> > app/
> > base_cms/
> > ---------- accounts/
> > ---------- addresses/
> > ---------- admin_panel/
> > ---------- articles/
> > ---------- catalog/
> > ---------- configs/
> > ---------- filters/
> > ---------- comments/
> > ---------- images/
> > ---------- sitemaps/
> > base_ecommerce/
> > ---------- coupons/
> > ---------- orders/
> > ---------- partners/
> > ---------- payments/
> > ---------- products/
> > ---------- shipping/
> > cake/
> > vendors/
> I also used to (e.g. MiBase) do this and as I mentioned/implied in
> some circumstances still do (but not instead of using plugins).
> > Each of the subfolders contains one or even several base controllers,
> > components, models, behaviors, views, elements, helpers, etc. as a
> > group of closely knit functionality. All these files are base classes,
> > so they can (and are) extended at the app level to build any app for
> > any client.
> > For example, the accounts subfolder contains the base model classes:
> > BaseAccount, BaseAcountGroup, BaseAccountProfile, BaseAccountAddress,
> > etc. and all it's associated base controllers, views, elements,
> > behaviors, etc. I also have child Account, AccountGroup,
> > AccountProfile, AccountAddress models in the base accounts folder,
> > which are simple empty extensions of their Base parent files, and are
> > the files cake instantiates.
> > So in base_cms/accounts/:
> > BaseAccount extends AppModel - full of code.
> > Account extends BaseAccount - empty.
> You should really have there (or equivalent)
> Account extends AppModel {
>   var $actsAs = array(
>    // behavior with all public methods/functionality that currently
> exist in BaseAccount.
>    'Cms.Account' => array(...)
>   )
> }
> > To override at app/ level for any client, I copy Account.php to app
> > level and have:
> > Account extends BaseAccount - override whatever functionality I want.
> Whenever you use copy and paste - IME you're on the road to
> maintainence hell. As has no doubt happened in the past 3 years -
> what do you do when you update the base model - and you want/need the
> update in your overriden (and therefore disassociated) model in a
> client project?
> OR
> what if a client doesn't want something that he's inheriting at all.
> > The app/Account.php is chosen by cake over the base_cms/accounts/
> > Account.php due to search path ordering.
> > When a new customer comes along, I add his unique code to app/, and
> > just extend/override much of the stuff in my base_cms/ and
> > base_ecommerce/ folders.
> > At the time I started this, it was not even possible for an app to
> > access aplugin'smodel, let alone have onepluginaccess another
> >plugin'smodels, so I took the additional paths approach.
> > It may be it is still the correct approach, andpluginusage should be
> > limited to app independant code. That's fine.
> The main benefit of plugins is that you can share the same code across
> different apps. e.g. you could create an accountingpluginand /
> outside/ of these 2 projects use it.
> From what you describe I'd:
> * move model code into behaviors
> * possibly do the same with controllers to components (especially if
> you've got a fat app controller or lots of protected/private
> controller functions)
> * create apluginfor each blob of atomic functionality (which most
> likely means folders you mentioned above) - if you deem it appropriate
> to do so.
> To me the first 2 points are more important than where your files are
> (which is essentially almost all it boils down to)
> hth,
> AD
> > It's now more than 3 years later,
> I think you only just missed plugins being easy to use. your post is
> really about 1.2.0 or before.
> >  plugins are  more powerful and
> > integrateable into the main app, so I was exploring whether my current
> > architecture is still correct, or I should be considering using
> > plugins instead of my current subfolder strategy.
> Try thinking about whatever development problems you've faced over the
> years working on this (and other?) apps - would plugins have helped
> you. I bet they would (if nothing else because it's a lot easier to
> test an isolatedpluginthan a mammoth of an application).
> hth,
> AD
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