On May 12, 8:08 am, Jamie <jamie....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wrote a CMS with CakePHP that uses much the same architecture.
> There's a common core that's used by about 30 sites. The classes all
> have a "Cms" prefix - CmsAppController, CmsAppModel, etc. The classes
> on the individual sites (AppModel, etc.) all extend the core CMS
> classes. They're all empty classes - the functionality is in the CMS
> core.
>If I want to override a function at the local level,

Keymaster - this is the circumstance I meant where if you fix
something in your base/core code - you may have to copy-and-paste your
fix to the client app.

> I can. It
> works quite well. The difference between my setup and yours,
> keymaster, is that I use plugins instead of the 'additional paths'
> setup you've implemented. Basically, there's a core version of each
> plugin, again with Cms prefixes on all the classes. When someone
> installs a plugin on an individual site, it creates empty classes that
> extend those core classes.
> It's a handy setup if you're deploying a lot of websites with similar
> functionality. Bugs only fixed in one place (the core), etc. I'm glad
> to see I'm not the only one doing it. :)
> As for AD7six's suggestion to use behaviors instead of class
> inheritance, I'm not really sure what benefit that brings to the
> table. Maybe you can explain your rationale, AD?

Just consider how easy it'd be if instead of the tree behavior cake
had a TreeModel you extended.

Of course, the tree behavior, as with most behaviors, is pretty
generic whereas you're both looking at pretty rigid, predefined
functionality you're inheriting as a base.

> logical sense in keymaster's (and my) case. I don't have the benchmark
> stats to prove it, but I'd think that loading a behavior and attaching
> it to a class would be more resource-intensive than simply loading a
> parent class. And Cake already makes good use of inheritance - our
> AppController extends Controller, after all, it doesn't $actsAs
> Controller.

The thing is there's noting in a controller you don't want to inherit,
and you can't extend Object and expect it to just work. I don't know
your apps and I don't know your clients but the problem with using
inheritance as your one weapon (I'm not saying you are) is what do you
do when in ap project you don't want something you're inheriting. E.g.
let's say in your CmsFoo model you've got an afterSave method that
does <this> and <that>. Your client says "I don't want it to do <that>
(e.g. send out notifications)". You can do that by overriding the
afterSave method in your (App)Foo model to just do <this>.

It's a simple example of course and there are lots of ways to solve it
but if your base/core functionality is behavior based you don't
include the behavior that does "<that>" and you're done. What's more
if for some reason you want to temporarily disable <this> you detach
the behavior and your model and application in general works fine
without it.

I think the most important thing to take away from this thread is you
solve the right problem with the right tool in the right place - you
might already be doing that because additional paths and plugins (and
model -> behavior) solve different problems. Probably a good measure
is lines of code. If you end up with less code by reorganizing i'ts
most likely a good idea. If you're going to gain 0 - it's as academic
as you currently perceive it to be - but know the tools/tecniques at
your disposal (keymaster :) )



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