public function getActiveCountries()
        return $this->Country->find(
                        'joins' => array(
                                        'table' => 'members',
                                        'alias' => 'Member',
                                        'type' => 'inner',
                                        'conditions' =>
'Member.country_id ='
                        'group' => array('')

On Jun 14, 2:46 am, cricket <> wrote:
> On Jun 12, 8:49 pm, calvin <> wrote:
> > Ah, I misunderstood you. I think you should be able to just use the
> > 'join' and 'group' keys, e.g.:
> > $countries = $this->Country->find('list', array(
> >   'joins' => array(
> >     array(
> >       'table' => 'cake_members',
> >       'alias' => 'Member',
> >       'type' => 'inner',
> >       'foreignKey' => 'Member.country_id'
> >     )
> >   ),
> >   'group' => array('')
> > ));
> > I think that should work. Or you may need to use the 'conditions'
> > parameter in the 'joins' array instead of the 'foreignKey' parameter.
> > Unfortunately, the 'joins' parameter is not documented in the Cookbook
> > for find(). It's only mentioned in the subQuery example using
> > buildStatement(), but that's not necessary.
> Thanks. I did try mucking about with the joins option but nothing was
> working for me. I think I had the syntax wrong but I probably had
> other errors, too. This looks correct to me after cross-checking
> elsewhere, but still no joy. Here's my method using your example:
> public function getActiveCountries()
> {
>         return $this->Country->find(
>                 'list',
>                 array(
>                         'joins' => array(
>                                 array(
>                                         'table' => 'members',
>                                         'alias' => 'Member',
>                                         'type' => 'inner',
>                                         'foreignKey' => 'Member.country_id'
>                                 )
>                         ),
>                         'group' => array('')
>                 )
>         );
> }
> result:
> Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Array' in 'on
> clause' [CORE_1.2.7/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line
> 526]
> Query: SELECT `Country`.`id`, `Country`.`name` FROM `countries` AS
> `Country` inner JOIN members AS `Member` ON (Array) WHERE 1 = 1 GROUP
> BY `Country`.`id`
> The syntax looks good to me. The joins option should be an array with
> a separate array for each join. I'm going to dive back into the model
> and dbo_* classes to see if I figure it out.

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