To start I have it im app_model so I can use it anywhere. I think I said
plugin last night but looks like I never ended up converting it into one.

Delete the Cache::lines if you like for now:

$alpha_links = array();

        foreach(range('A','Z') as $i):
                $params = array(
                        'conditions' => array(
                                $this->alias.'.search_group' => $i),
                        'fields' => array(
                        'contain' => false);

                if ( $this->find('first', $params) ) {
                        $alpha_links[$i] = 1;
                } else {
                        $alpha_links[$i] = 0;

return $alpha_links;

Now since this is untested with the new array keys A, B, C my old helper for
this has to be editied so untested off the top of my head:

Controller call the function

$this->set('alphabet', $this->Product->alpha_paging());


Just a function to run thru each $alphabet as $letter => $value {

//make current link active
if ( !empty ($this->params['pass']['0']) && $this->params['pass']['0'] ===
strtolower($letter)): $selected = "selected"; else:$selected = null; endif;
                                $output .= $this->Html->link( $letter,
                                'action' => 'index', strtolower( $letter ),
'admin' => false) ,  array( 'escape' => false, 'class' => $selected
                                $output .= $letter;

That should get you going.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of MeatSandwich
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 8:26 AM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: Search function

Hi Krissy, that sounds absolutely perfect for the alphabet part of
what I want to do, thank you :)

Sorry for being such a noob but could you give me a bit more detail
about how to use this code. Does that all go into the users_controller
at the end of the add new user action? There are some things I don't
recognise in the code which I guess must be something to do with the
cache, so I'll have to go off and do a bit of reading!


On Feb 25, 9:10 am, "Krissy Masters" <>
> For the Alphabet I made my own custom plugin function that just runs thru
> the alphabet and does a query to find each letter. My table has
> field which saves the first letter upper / lowercase you decide of
> field the alphabet is for (name, business whatever) creates links if a
> letter is found if not just a letter is returned. Cache the query so it
> runs 1 time and after a new user / member / product is added delete the
> cache and update with a new running of the alpha function.
> public function alpha_paging () {
>         $alpha_links = Cache::read('alpha_nav_'. $this->alias, 'short');
>         if (empty($alpha_links ) ) {
>                 $alpha_links = array();
>                 foreach(range('A','Z') as $i):
>                         $params = array(
>                                 'conditions' => array(
>                                         $this->alias.'.search_group' =>
>                                 'fields' => array(
>                                         $this->alias.'.title',
>                                         $this->alias.'.id'),
>                                 'contain' => false);
>                                 if ( $this->find('first', $params) ) {
>                                         $alpha_links[] = 1;
>                                 } else {
>                                         $alpha_links[] = 0;
>                                 }
>                 endforeach;
>                 Cache::write( 'alpha_nav_'. $this->alias, $alpha_links,
> 'short' );
>         }
>  return $alpha_links;
> }
> You end up with an array 0 - 25 with each having a bool 0 or 1 if letter
> found. The array is numeric but that does not matter since we know how
> letters there are in the alphabet.
> 0 => 0 // A has no record
> 1 => 0 // B has no record
> 2 => 1 // C has a record
> _______________________________
> Each array key represents the numeric count of the letter(offset by 1)
> 0 => A
> 1 => B
> ....
> 25 => Z
> Hope that gets you started.
> K
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Of MeatSandwich
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 3:43 PM
> To: CakePHP
> Subject: Search function
> Hi all,
> I'm new to cakephp and only know a bit of php so I'm on a steep
> learning curve since although I've made websites using php and mysql
> before they were all a bit simple. I'm not looking for code here but
> some pointers for me so I know what to learn.
> The app I'm making will end up with lots of members and I'd like to
> make a search function so people can find other people easily. I've
> discovered searchable-behaviour-for-cakephp and hopefully that'll
> provide most of what I want but as another way to search rather than a
> text box, I'd also like to have the letters of the alphabet so a user
> can click and go straight to that letter.
> As well as that, members will say in their profiles what their
> favourite animals are, ie cats/dogs/horses etc - they'll have 20 to
> choose from. I'd like my search function to have checkboxes
> representing each animal and someone who was searching could check the
> dogs box and only people who like dogs will be listed, they could then
> also check cats box and the members who like dogs and cats will be
> shown. If possible I'd like the list to update automatically as each
> box is clicked.
> I have everything else set up and only need help with this search
> part. Assuming searchable-behaviour-for-cakephp does me for my text
> search box, I reckon the alphabet thing will be something like making
> a link for each letter and somehow making that link run a query,
> hopefully that will work.
> But the checkbox thing that updates automatically I'm not sure about.
> Is it ajax I need? Are there any particular methods I should be using?
> --
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