On Mar 22, 2011, at 07:49, AD7six wrote:
> On Mar 22, 1:45 pm, DigitalDude wrote:
>> The app runs with i18n for 4 different languages. I set the language
>> per Session. First, the session language is determined by checking the
>> browsers language. if no matching language is found, the default
>> language (english) is chosen and set for the session, and all of the
>> content will be displayed in this lanuage. If the language switch is
>> triggered, the content will be displayed in the chosen language, so
>> everything is fine with that.
>> So as I don't know how the Google Robot works and I also think the
>> Robot can't start a session, I'm wondering how I could tell the google
>> bot that there is other content in other languages that has to be
>> indexed, too!
>> Does anyone of you have any idea how to setup a cake app for
>> multilangual content that is ready for correct indexing by Google? I
>> would really appreciate any help on this one...
> You mean like book.cakephp.org? (that's a hint)

Right. Each language's content should have a distinct URL, e.g. with the 
language code at the start of the path. If the user requests a URL that doesn't 
have a language code (e.g. from their bookmarks, or previous Google search 
results), redirect (permanently) them to corresponding the URL with the 
language code. How you choose which language to send them to is up to you -- 
based on a saved language preference for the logged in user, the browser's 
AcceptLanguage header, the country of the user's IP address, etc., or a 
combination of these.

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